Personal Site of

Dr Kevin Feltham CC


Photograph of Dr Kevin Feltham CC
Dr Kevin Feltham CC

Correspondence address:
Members' Secretariat
County Hall

Mobile: 07771 967323


Personal Information

I have been a County Councillor since 2001 and am pleased to represent 26 parishes in the Billesdon, Glen and Kibworth Wards of the Harborough District.

I am a Kibworth Harcourt parish councillor, chairman of the vibrant Kibworth Harcourt Conservation Society, Hon. Treasurer of the Kibworth Improvement Team (KiT), vice-chairman of the Robert Smyth Academy Governors, chairman of the Campaign Against the Stoughton Co-op Eco-Town (CASCET) and, since the Co-op's proposals were not shortlisted by the Government in July 2009, now re-named the Campaign Against the Stoughton Co-op Expansion-Threat.

All three of my children have been educated in local state schools and succeeded well; all now work for IT or graphics related companies in London. I am an active member of St Wilfrid's Church in Kibworth, and have been the Church Council secretary for over 18 years.

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