Personal Site of

Stuart Bray CC


Photograph of Stuart Bray CC
Stuart Bray CC

Phone: 01455 637 898


Home Address:
26 Netherley Court
LE10 0RN

St Mary's Division News

Tackling Congestion and Parking Problems

The County Council’s bid for £10 million in funding to tackle congestion and parking problems locally was turned down by the Government.  The bid included measures to improve the Hawley Road / Rugby Road junction, a review of on-street parking in the town, new pedestrian crossings and closing off Granville Road at the junction with Coventry Road. I am continuing to press the County Council to find alternative ways of delivering these much needed improvements.

Lancaster Road Crossing

You will remember in previous editions of my Focus newsletters we stressed the need for a new crossing on Lancaster Road between The Crescent and the rest of the town centre. I have been told that Highways Engineers are currently drawing up a scheme. I will keep you informed of progress.

DPD Development near Hinckley Island Hotel

Reports have appeared in the local press about DPD wanting to expand their operations locally by building a new unit near to the Hinckley Island Hotel off the M69 / A5 roundabout.  Whilst the new jobs it would create must be welcomed, it will inevitably impact on traffic. It is also vital that DPD address the outstanding concerns on their existing premises on impact on residents on Westfield and Strathmore Road before they expand further. I would be keen to hear your views. 

Spa Lane Triangle

I have once again raised with the Borough and County Councils the poor state of the planted-up triangle at the junction of Spa Lane and London. This regularly becomes overgrown and untidy. I have asked that this is maintained regularly.

East / West Close

Residents have reported to me that there have been some near misses with children cycling at speed from the station and straight onto the highway without properly looking. I have asked the County Council if they would look into some staggered barriers in the area to make it safer. I have also pressed officers again to look at the longstanding problem of people using the closes as a “park and ride” for the station which causes problems for local residents.

ASB in Brookside Allotments

Thank you to the people who have reported the issues of anti-social behaviour in the allotments. I have contacted the Community Safety Team at the Borough Council and they have promised to liaise with the Police and work with the young people concerned to address the problem.

Rugby Road Recreation Ground

I have long campaigned for action to be taken to resolve the outstanding issues around the state of the park, particularly the area fronting Rugby Road. I have been informed that the latest planning hurdle has been cleared and I am hoping that the improvements will be made soon.






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