Personal Site of

Rosita Page CC


Photograph of Rosita Page CC
Rosita Page CC

Correspondence address:
C/O Members Secretariat
County Hall

Phone: 01455 209240


Report It - Highways

New ‘Report It’ online form

The new online “Report It” form is available on the County Council website as part of our Transformation Programme. This programme has over 20 projects being designed and implemented to find different ways of providing many council services more effectively and yes, more efficiently. As the council’s budget gets smaller, so the number of staff being employed is shrinking, and the council has had to make some major changes.

     One of these projects is to provide better ways for some residents to contact council departments, such as highways. As many more people now have improved broadband and smartphone access, the county council website has been updated to be simpler and more customer oriented, with less ‘council speak’. One of the links from the home page is for Roads and travel, and under the Road maintenance heading you can click on Report a road problem, to access the online Report It form.

     You can report most types of problem with roads or pavements online, this includes:

  • Potholes

  • Grass cutting Overgrown trees or hedges

  • Blocked drains or faulty manhole covers

  • Damage to road signs

  • Problems with street lights

 After selecting the type of problem, you can now mark the position of the problem on a map, leave descriptive comments, and can even add photos, if you wish. If you provide your email address, then you’ll receive a reference number which can be used when following up.  You will then receive a report giving an approximate time for a resolution or inspection by highways engineers.

Much of this can also be provided to the highways customer services team by telephone 0116 305 0001, except for marking the exact location on a map or adding any photos.  Councillors are being encouraged to let residents know about this new, improved facility.

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