Personal Site of

Max Hunt CC


Photograph of Max Hunt CC
Max Hunt CC

Phone: 0116 305 1690

Home Address:
58 William Street
LE11 3BZ

Thorpe Acre

Thorpe Acre's Village Sign

There are many lovely areas in the vicinity of Thorpe Acre, which, of course, has access to countryside toward Garendon, Stonebow and beyond Dishley.  The old hamlet of Thorpe Acre can still be recognised, arounf the Plough Inn.  For more details and old pictures see:

I am keen for traffic speeds to be reduced on Buckingham Drive, Sandringham Drive, Kenilworth Drive and Woolaton Avenue.  However the response from the Police, who have taken speed readings, and  County Highways officers has consistently been discouraging.    This estate wasn't designed for the traffic speeds that the road layout seems to attract today.

I will support any group of residents who wish to form a Community Speed Watch team and will follow up reports of any regular speed merchants if provided with vehicle registrations.



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