Decision details

Barrow Road/Poole Farm, Quorn Development - Solar Farm and Light Industrial Units.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


(a)    That the Director of Corporate Resources be authorised to submit a planning application for the commercial development of a new solar farm and light industrial units at Quorn as detailed in the report;


(b)    That subject to planning consent being granted, construction of the first phase of the development - the solar farm and Barrow Road light industrial units - be approved subject to a maximum capital cost of £14 million;


(c)    That a further report be made to the Cabinet when it is considered that construction of phase two of the development - light industrial units at Poole Farm - is viable.






The development of the Council-owned land will provide the Authority with future revenue income and support environmental and economic objectives.


Divisions Affected: Quorn & Barrow;

Report author: Director of Corporate Resources

Publication date: 25/11/2019

Date of decision: 22/11/2019

Decided at meeting: 22/11/2019 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: