Decision details

Proposed M69 Junction 2/Stoney Stanton Strategic Development Area.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Cabinet considered an exempt report of the Director of Corporate Resources advising of the current planning position regarding the M69 Junction 2/Stoney Stanton Strategic Development Area (SDA).  A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 18’, is filed with these minutes.


The Scrutiny Commission had considered a report at its meeting on 4 September and a draft minute is also filed with these minutes. 


Comments from Mrs. M. Wright CC regarding the report are also filed with these minutes.




a)         That the Council’s land situated to the west of Stoney Stanton (shown coloured pink on Appendix A of the report) continues to be promoted as part of a policy-compliant and financially viable Strategic Development Area (SDA) within the emerging Blaby District Local Plan;


b)         That approval be given to adding such part or parts of the 25 hectares of the Council’s land (shown coloured blue on Appendix A) to the scheme to facilitate the delivery of essential infrastructure necessary to support the SDA and provide benefits to local communities, subject to its inclusion in any future equalisation agreement;


c)          That the Director of Corporate Resources, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Resources, be authorised to finalise the terms of a land exchange with Stoney Stanton Parish Council to support the delivery of essential highway infrastructure, subject to its inclusion in any future equalisation agreement;


d)         That the Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance be authorised:


i.            To procure the specialist legal advice necessary to negotiate the formal collaboration and equalisation agreements in respect of the financial and other arrangements for the promotion, management and marketing of the development scheme and


ii.          Following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Resources, to enter into such collaboration and other legal agreements with other landowners and promoters as are necessary to facilitate delivery of the SDA scheme;


e)          That it be noted that further reports will be presented to the Cabinet and the Scrutiny Commission as appropriate regarding progress with the scheme.




To protect the County Council’s existing property interests in the area and demonstrate its commitment to the delivery of growth in line with the aspirations of its Strategic Plan and the wider Strategic Growth Plan.


To further the inclusion of the proposed SDA in the emerging Blaby District Local Plan thereby maximising the benefits to the County Council and local communities.


To provide a structured framework on which to base the ongoing promotion and delivery of the scheme.  The commitment of additional land to the scheme and the existing allocation of resources to support the promotion and development of the SDA within the Local Plan, support delivery of the proposed approach, and help generate increased financial returns for the County Council.


Proposed terms for the land exchange are set out in Part B of the report.  Delegation to the Director of Corporate Resources to finalise these will expedite the process.


Having a clear, agreed approach will also ensure there is effective governance of the project and this will facilitate and support the co-ordination of the delivery of enabling and community infrastructure.

Divisions Affected: Stoney Stanton & Croft;

Report author: Director of Corporate Resources

Publication date: 13/09/2024

Date of decision: 13/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 13/09/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: