Decision details

Better Care Fund 2017/18 - 2018/19.

Decision Maker: Health and Wellbeing Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(a) That the draft BCF Expenditure Plan, attached as Appendix A to the report, be approved;


(b) That the preparations and governance arrangements for the submission of Leicestershire’s Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan for 2017/18 – 2018/19 to NHS England be noted;


(c) With regard to the additional adult social care grant allocation of £19.7m announced by the Government in the Spring Budget:-


(i)            That it be noted that this funding is allocated to the County Council for the purposes indicated in the grant conditions but will be incorporated into the BCF Plan as required by the BCF Policy Framework;

(ii)          The agreement reached with NHS partners on the spending of the grant be welcomed; and

(iii)         The impact of additional grant on the BCF pooled budget from April 2017 be noted;


(d) That the timescale for updating the rolling BCF Section 75 Agreement and associated governance arrangements be noted



Report author: Director of Health and Care Integration

Publication date: 22/06/2017

Date of decision: 22/06/2017

Decided at meeting: 22/06/2017 - Health and Wellbeing Board

Accompanying Documents: