Issue - meetings

Question Time.

Meeting: 07/11/2007 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 38)

Question Time.


Mr Abbott, an elector registered in the County, asked the Chairman the following questions under Standing Order 35:-


1.                  Have the police been formally consulted concerning the impact on police resources both locally (the proposed site) and county-wide re the new powers the police apparently have?

2.                  If they were consulted, who was consulted? 

3.                  What action will be taken if Travellers refuse to pay fees for access to the Transit Site?  Will the Council require “cash-up-front”?

4.                  How much will the Travellers be charged for access to the site?  Is this per person or per caravan or something else?  How has this charge been calculated?  How much is expected to be generated through fees in the financial year?

5.                  Is the long-term aim that the Transit Site becomes self-financing?

6.                  If an illegal encampment that is larger than the available plots on the Transit Site is “moved on”, how will Police/Council determine who gets the Transit Site places?  What happens to the others?

7.                  What action will be taken should Travellers intentionally damage, foul or otherwise disrespect the provided transit site?  How does the Council propose that the offenders are identified and prosecuted?

8.                  What action will the Council/Police take to ensure that the Transit Site does not spread on to adjacent land?

9.                  Can the Council confirm that a Traveller Site will be capped at the proposed size and not allowed to grow over time?

10.             What hours will the site warden work?  Will the warden live on-site?  What training and support will the warden receive to ensure the Council’s duty of care to its employees is fulfilled?

11.             What will the warden be paid?  Will they receive any enhancements to their salary? (for example anti-social hours).

12.             What action will be taken should the warden be abused or otherwise treated disrespectfully?

13.             What action would be taken if crime rates in the area of a Traveller Site rise above normal levels

14.             Would Neighbourhood Policing staff (both Officers and PCSO’s) be expected to go on to the Traveller Site during their normal “beat”?  Will they provide a visible and reassuring policing presence to the Travellers?

15.             Will the objections of NWLDC be considered when arriving at a decision on the placement of the Traveller Site?

16.             Do the views of the local community carry sufficient weight to force a change of heart?

17.             Will the planning permission process be an open and transparent one despite the Council effectively being judge and jury?

18.             Should covenants be lifted to facilitate the placement of a Transit Site, will the same flexibility be available to local residents wishing to lift/alter covenants on their own property?

19.             What impact would a Transit Site at Snibston have on the attraction for visitors to the local St Mary’s Church?

20.             If, as the FAQ suggests, property values would not be adversely affected by the placement of a Transit Site, will the Council give an undertaking to compensate home/business owners should values take an unexpected tumble?

21.             Will the authorities (Council & Police) take steps to tackle both anti-social behaviour and dangerous/nuisance animals with precisely the same effort as seen in the rest of the local community?

22.             Will CCTV be installed at the Transit Site?

23.             Should damage, theft or dirt be an issue at the Traveller Site, how promptly would the Council act to put things right?

24.             Should crime occur that is traced to a resident on the Traveller Site, can the Police enter the site and apprehend the individual(s) without a warrant?

25.             Will the records of Travellers entering the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38