Issue - meetings

Declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda.

Meeting: 22/10/2008 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 143)

Declarations of interests.


The following members declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in the report on the Leicester and Leicestershire Multi-Area Agreement 2009 – 2020:


Mr G A Boulter CC – as a member of a Leicestershire District Council

Mr R Fraser CC - as the user of a service that might be affected by the MAA.

Mr S J Galton CC - as a member of a Leicestershire District Council

Mr G A Hart CC - as a member of a Leicestershire District Council

Mr D W Houseman CC - as a member of a Leicestershire District Council and as a member of the Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Combined Fire Authority

Mr D Jennings CC - as a member of a Leicestershire District Council

Mr John Legrys CC - as a member of a Leicestershire District Council

Mr P G Lewis CC - as a member of a Leicestershire District Council