Issue - meetings

The Medium Term Corporate Strategy 2001-2005.

Meeting: 14/11/2001 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 55)

55 The Medium Term Corporate Strategy 2001-2005. pdf icon PDF 21 KB

Additional documents:


The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive setting out the Cabinet’s response to the comments of the Scrutiny Commission and Scrutiny Committees and the public consultation on the draft Medium Term Corporate Strategy 2001-2005.  A copy of the report marked ‘B’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting, Mr. H. Barber CC, the Leader of the Council who had kindly agreed to attend the meeting during consideration of the draft, Strategy and the Hinckley and Bosworth County Strategy.


During the discussion the following further comments were made:


(i)         the Cabinet should consider further the need to include in the Strategy a commitment to a comprehensive community based education;


(ii)        the strategy should contain a commitment that the County Council would wish to see that schools play an active role and are at the centre of the communities they serve;


(iii)       with regard to the reference to membership of the Fair Funding Campaign, the view was expressed that it would be more appropriate to state the purpose of the membership of this body which is to achieve a fairer share of Government funding for Leicestershire schools.


It was moved by Mr. Rhodes and seconded by Mr. Osborne:-


“That the Cabinet be advised as follows:


(a)       That the Commission welcomes the amendments made in response to the consultation exercise;


(b)       That the Commission wishes to expresses its unreserved support for the revised document.”


An amendment was moved by Mr. Jones and seconded:


“That parts (a) and (b) of the motion be deleted and the following be inserted in their place:-


‘(a)      That the Medium Term Corporate Strategy is generally welcomed as a formal strategy to guide the work of the County Council over the next four years;


(b)       That the changes in response to the consultation exercise be particularly welcomed;


(c)        That the Scrutiny Commission be advised at an early stage, should any changes be envisaged in the future.’ ”


The mover of the motion, with the concurrence of the seconder and the consent of the Commission accepted the amendment.


The motion as amended was moved and carried.




That the Cabinet be advised as follows:


(a)       That the Medium Term Corporate Strategy is generally welcomed as a formal strategy to guide the work of the County Council over the next four years;


(b)       That the changes in response to the consultation exercise be particularly welcomed;


(c)        That the Scrutiny Commission be advised at an early stage, should any changes be envisaged in the future.