Issue - meetings

Question Time.

Meeting: 01/09/2009 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 3)

Question Time.


Mr Andre Wheeler, a resident in Barwell, asked the Chairman the following question under Standing Order 35:-


“1.        Why has the Steering Committee of George Ward Community Centre project not sought charitable status?


2.         Will any member of the Steering Committee be paid an allowance when the Centre is operational?


3.         As there appears to be no finalised business plan and no details of income, could I be advised of how many local Barwell groups have expressed an interest in using the Centre?


4.                  Will any short-fall in funding be met by the County Council now and in the future, or will the County Council expect the Barwell Parish tax payers to pay?

5.                  Why have the County Council decided to start this project without a robust Financial Business Plan in place as the Leader of the Council indicated that this would not happen in a letter to me dated of 5th March 2009?”


The Chairman replied as follows:-


“1.        The charity commission is in the process of establishing the new status of Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), which should remove the need for joint registration as a charity (for charitable purposes) and as a company limited by guarantee (to protect trustees financially). The Committee has deliberately held back in order to try and become a CIO as this will save both money and time. However the date for the introduction of CIO status keeps slipping and therefore the Committee has agreed that they will seek charitable status (in whatever form is available and appropriate) 3 months prior to completion of the building subject to; legal advice, financial advice and board approval.

2.                  No. The only payments made to members of the Steering Committee will cover expenses incurred on behalf of the project. Staff, including Centre Managers, will be recruited via an open and independent recruitment process. The only other situation in which Steering Committee members could be paid an “allowance” would be in the exceptional circumstance of a Committee member providing holiday cover for a paid member of staff.

3.                  A draft Business Plan has now been produced for the Community Centre which sets out anticipated income and expenditure. The income includes usage income figures based on figures from similar facilities in the County and on the needs analysis conducted by the Committee last year. These estimates are conservative - initial income is based on a utilisation little in excess of 35%, rising by 10% year on year for years 2, 3 and 4. The maximum occupancy level accepted for this type of building is 70%.


            Although it is hoped that some local groups will use the Community Facility as a base for their meetings/activities, it has become clear that much of the income will be derived from service providers using the building to deliver essential services to the community, for example adult learning, job search support, training and services to support young people.


            The Committee has been conscious from the beginning of the need to minimise the impact on existing facilities in Barwell by attracting new users to the facility and not taking them away from existing buildings such as the Village and Church Halls. There are a number of individuals and groups who have expressed an interest in setting up new groups and classes.

4.                  The County Council has invested considerable time and money in making sure that the Centre will become sustainable after a reasonable period of time. In projects such as this the County Council would usually be working closely with the local Parish Council to look at ways of maximising the income  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3