Issue - meetings

Question Time.

Meeting: 10/11/2010 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 112)

Question Time.


Mr. Jeffrey Kauffman asked the Chairman the following questions under Standing Order 35:-


A6 Oadby to Leicester Bus Corridor


“1.        Was the County Solicitor aware of the change of design to the road layout before she wrote her reasons for proposal?

2.         Who is it that decides what is a major or minor change?

3.         Does the change of design of the road layout alter the County Solicitor’s opinion for the need for a 24 hour bus lane?

4.         On what grounds did the County Solicitor write her letter dated 23 November 2009 that stated, "there are negligible highway capacity implications in providing a bus lane as proposed here, as it makes use of a little used service lane"?

5.         What monitoring and evidence of improvement of bus running times has there been during the experimental period?

6.         Are you aware that since the bus lane was announced, a bus company has ceased operating on the Oadby route?

7.         What percentage of buses that do not stop at the racecourse bus stop, use the bus lane?

8.         Have speed checks been carried out on the few buses that actually use the bus lane?

9.         Do you agree that all buses that use the bus lane have to pull out into a 40mph carriageway at the end of the bus lane? This was not in the original design of the road layout?


Safety Concerns

10.             How can it possibly be safe for the residents to exit their driveways by reversing their vehicles into a 40mph bus lane, (bearing in mind the buses tend to travel in excess of this limit) – it is not difficult enough with pedestrians walking behind our vehicles when trying to reverse out?

11.             The original service lane was implemented to provide safe ingress and egress to the driveways of the residents’ houses. What was the reason behind its implementation?

12.             How can we possibly hitch up caravans, trailers etc without contravening the restrictions you have provided?

13.             This is an urban area and heavily used by pedestrians and cyclists, so why have we a 40mph speed limit with buses in excess of ten tonnes travelling at this speed only feet away from the public?

14.             How can disabled drivers wishing to visit park safely without contravening the restrictions presently imposed?

15.             The properties in this row were sought after, however, our experience shows that since the introduction of the bus lane and the no-loading and  parking restrictions, house values have dropped and the interest in these properties has waned because of the restrictions implemented. There is also ‘rumbling’ and shaking of nearby houses when buses travel past. Has consideration been given to compensating residents for this devaluation?”


The Chairman replied as follows:


“1.        When the Order is drafted and passed to the County Solicitor, the submission includes a Statement of Reasons alongside the Order Schedule, the list of consultees and a reference plan. Hence the County Solicitor will have been aware of the nature and extent of the scheme when the Statement of Reasons was signed. The County Solicitor’s primary concern will have been the legal accuracy of the Order rather than with the internal procedures leading up to the submission. Design changes leading up to that point would not have been highlighted.

2.                  The impact of any design changes is determined by the teams involved with the design in the Environment and Transport Department. They are therefore best placed to assess whether such changes are of sufficient magnitude to warrant being brought to the attention of Members, and if necessary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112