Issue - meetings

Presentation of Petitions under Standing Order 36.

Meeting: 15/12/2010 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 131)

Petition: To Request the Council to Review its Policy on Pavement Cafes and to ask they not be charged in order that they can Continue to Support the Economy of Melton Mowbray.

A petition is to be presented by Dr. Matthew O’Callaghan signed by 2801 local residents in the following terms:


“We the undersigned call on Leicestershire County Council to review its policy on pavement cafes and not to introduce charges for them so that the cafes can continue to support the economy of Melton Mowbray.”



A petition submitted by Dr. Matthew O’Callaghan, a local Borough Councillor and Mr. Michael Cooke, Editor of the Melton Times, signed by 2,801 local residents was presented to the Commission by Dr. O’Callaghan in the following terms:


“We the undersigned call on Leicestershire County Council to review its policy on pavement cafes and not to introduce charges for them so that the cafes can continue to support the economy of Melton Mowbray.”


With the consent of the Chairman, Dr. O’Callaghan addressed the Commission and made the following points in support of the petition:

·                      16 cafes, restaurants and bars in Melton were affected by the introduction of a policy to charge for a pavement presence;

·                      Of the 16 affected, only three intended to pursue paying for the license. The remaining 13 would cease having a pavement presence. It was felt that this would have a negative impact on the area which was recognised as the ‘Rural Capital of Food’;

·                      It was unlikely that those affected would be able to site their tables and chairs if they were to fully adhere to the policy;

·                      The opinion of owners was that it was an unnecessary and onerous burden;

·                      There were no known accidents as a result of pavement cafes.



That a full report on this matter be submitted to the Commission at its next meeting on 19 January 2011.