Issue - meetings

Director's Progress Report.

Meeting: 26/06/2014 - ESPO Management Committee (Item 83)

83 Director's Progress Report. pdf icon PDF 261 KB

(Report of the Director)


Additional documents:


The Management Committee considered a report of the Director, the purpose of which was to provide an update to members on developments since the Committee last met on 6 March 2014. A copy of the report, marked ‘Item 12’, is filed with these minutes.  [Further details informing the Progress Report of the Director, of a commercially sensitive nature, were considered under exempt business in Minute 85 below.]


Arising from discussion the following points were noted:


  (i)          The draft outturn surplus for the year was at £2.4m compared to the March forecast of £2.1m and the budget of £1.8m;


 (ii)          ESPO had enjoyed its 13th successive year of record Stores sales, o.2% ahead of budget and 55 of 2012/13 levels;


(iii)          The key themes of ESPO’s ‘People Plan’ were now being implemented, with new communication and motivational tools such as the Monthly Director’s Update, All Staff Briefings, Reward and Recognition Scheme - including Employee ‘Star of the Month’, delivery of Performance and Development Reviews throughout the Organisation, and a review and update of the ESPO brand to improve visual identity;


(iv)          Members noted that whilst brand identity and loyalty amongst ESPO’s customers was high, increasing the profile of its delivery vans by making use of the new logo could improve greater recognition and uptake of ESPO’s services by non-customers and the wider public.




That the progress report of the Director be noted.


Meeting: 27/06/2013 - ESPO Management Committee (Item 16)

16 Director's Progress Report. pdf icon PDF 96 KB

(Report of the Director)



The Management Committee considered a report of the Director, the purpose of which was to provide an update to members on developments since the Committee last met on 7 March 2013. A copy of the report, marked ‘Item 11’, is filed with these minutes.  [Further details informing the Progress Report of the Director, of a commercially sensitive nature, were considered under exempt business in Minute 18 below.]


Arising from discussion the following points were noted:


  (i)          ESPO sought to provide best value for its customers in a range of sectors.  Diversifying the range of services offered by ESPO enabled the organisation to reduce the risk of changes in one sector affecting its overall performance disproportionately.  This approach helped ESPO to operate in an increasingly competitive environment;


 (ii)          ESPO’s Academy Procurement Service provided services to assist schools transitioning to academy status.  The Service would seek to complement those services provided by local authorities;


(iii)          At present many of ESPO’s customers preferred to place orders by Fax.  Increasing the number of customers who placed orders electronically would generate savings in administration costs.  ESPO aimed for the number of electronic orders by customers to be increased two fold during the financial year;


(iv)          It was suggested for ESPO to undertake more benchmarking exercises and develop more value ranges for popular product lines.




(a)       That the progress report of the Director be noted;


(b)       That it be noted that the Director would provide a further report on progress in respect to installation of the Indigo Warehouse System to the Management Committee’s meeting on 26 September 2013.