Issue - meetings

Strategic Review of Adult Mental Health Preventative Services in Leicestershire

Meeting: 03/09/2013 - Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

11 Strategic Review of Adult Mental Health Preventative Services in Leicestershire. pdf icon PDF 217 KB


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities which sought the Committees views on the Strategic Review of Adult Preventative Mental Health Services in Leicestershire and the implementation of the proposed service re-design to the Voluntary Service Officers (VSOs) Service. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 11’ is filed with these minutes.


The Cabinet Support Member for Adult Social Care, Mrs J Dickinson CC, spoke in support of the review, acknowledging that current services were already well received. Any future services would need to build on the good work that had already been undertaken through the current service.


Written comments on the Strategic Review of Adult Preventative Mental Health Services in Leicestershire and the implementation of the proposed service re-design to the Voluntary Service Officers (VSOs) Service had been received from Healthwatch Leicestershire, a copy of which is filed with these minutes. These comments would be forwarded to the Cabinet as part of the consultation process.


Arising from discussion the following points were noted:-


(i)            It was noted that NHS Commissioners were currently working with LCC to find the best way to deliver mental health services. By investing more in preventive services this would help to decrease the pressure on acute services. Areas where the CCG’s could jointly invest with local authorities were being identified;


(ii)          The Committee queried the comparatively high costs for services provided by the Adhar Project. The purpose of the Adhar Project was to promote mental health access and it was likely that this was why individual costs were higher;


(iii)         The Committee suggested that service users currently accessing befriending and social drop in services represented a potential hard to reach group due to their relative isolation. As such, issuing letters outlining the consultation might not be the most effective way to engage with these groups. However, it was explained that service providers were being used as a conduit better to access users. One to one meetings had been offered to users and, through providers, those in receipt of services were offered assistance in filling out the consultation questionnaire;


(iv)         It was noted that befriending services were only accessed by a small number of service users and were not cost effective. However, there was a lack of direct feedback from service users regarding the benefits of the service which made it difficult for the County Council to be sure that the new service would provide the same benefits. The Committee was assured that service users would be assisted during transition to the new service by the inclusion support service and mental health facilitators. The new outcomes framework for prevention services would also identify where services were not working and enable officers to consider different ways of delivering the service to meet people’s outcomes;


(v)          The Committee was of the view that, despite the challenges, it would be important to ensure that BME communities were able to access a more inclusive service. Most service users had welcomed the proposals for a more integrated approach to services. Integrated services would ensure that all areas of the County had access to the same level of services and would cut across cultural boundaries. All communities and groups would need to be encouraged to use the new services. It was suggested that the Committee receive further information on engagement with BME groups at a future meeting;


(vi)         Social drop in and befriending services were vital but management could be improved. Members of the Committee expressed different opinions with regards to the proposed commissioning of services based on district geographical areas. Some members of the Committee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11