Issue - meetings

Pay Policy Statement.

Meeting: 05/03/2015 - Employment Committee (Item 41)

41 Pay Policy Statement. pdf icon PDF 130 KB

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The Committee received a report outlining the Council’s Pay Policy Statement 2015/16 for submission to the County Council. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 6’, is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion members were advised as follows:-


  (i).        There were approximately twenty employees under Soulbury conditions of service, the majority of whom were education psychologists;


 (ii).        The Assistant Director advised that the wording relating to the Council’s discretionary approach to retirement benefits would be re-drafted for the final Pay Policy statement;


(iii).        The pay award agreed in February was weighted towards those on lower pay scales, and as a result the number of employees on a wage lower than the living wage had decreased.




That the County Council be recommended to approve the Pay Policy Statement 2015/16.