Issue - meetings

Election of Vice-Chair.

Meeting: 27/04/2016 - Leicestershire Local Access Forum (Item 21)

Election of Vice-Chair.


The Chairman invited nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Leicestershire Local Access Forum for the period ending January 2017.


Mr Roy Denney was nominated for the position by Mr Chris Faircliffe and seconded by Mr Terry Kirby. There were no further nominations.




That Mr Roy Denney be elected Vice-Chairman of the Leicestershire Local Access Forum for the period ending January 2017.


Meeting: 28/01/2016 - Leicestershire Local Access Forum (Item 2)

Election of Vice-Chair.


The Chairman invited nominations for the position of Vice Chair for the period ending January 2017.


No nominations were received for the position of Vice Chair.




That the item be deferred to the next meeting of the Forum.