Issue - meetings

HTLAH Update and Lessons Learnt

Meeting: 20/06/2017 - Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

11 Help to Live at Home Implementation, Procurement and Lessons Learned pdf icon PDF 171 KB

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The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities on the lessons learned, implementation and procurement surrounding the Help to Live at Home service.  A copy of the report, marked “Agenda Item 11”, is filed with these minutes.


The Cabinet Lead Member, in introducing the item, drew members’ attention to the initial difficulties associated with the service, and the key learning.  However, progress had been made over the last six months, and this had had a positive impact on people accessing packages of care. 


Members felt that the language used in the lessons learnt report was not easy to understand, and although it was recognised that the report was primarily aimed at professionals, it was hoped that the lessons learnt would help with further integration and joint working.


In response to questions, members were advised as follows:-


·         The estimated savings from the introduction of Help to Live at Home were £1million.   This saving requirement had been met, notwithstanding the difficulties encountered in the roll out and the additional costs incurred as a result;

·         The bidders of the second open competitive process for the three West Leicestershire lots met the quality thresholds but there were technical issues with their bids.  The negotiation process now underway was a recognised procurement process and the successful bidder would have to meet all specifications in the tender documents.  There would be no reduction in these requirements;

·         Work was underway to produce a post implementation review which would be available towards the end of the summer.




(a)  That the summary of the lessons learned report and the overview of the Help to Live at Home Service be noted;


(b)  That the update on the procurement process for the three vacant West Leicestershire lots, and the action taken following the Care Quality Commission inspection undertaken on the Hales Group, be noted;


(c)  That officers be requested to provide members with a post implementation review update.