Issue - meetings

STP Update - Integrated Locality Teams.

Meeting: 22/06/2017 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 10)

10 STP Update - Integrated Locality Teams. pdf icon PDF 353 KB

The latest Integrated Locality Teams Bulletin is attached.



The Board considered a report from the Director of Health and Care Integration providing an STP Update on Integrated Locality Teams.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 8’ is filed with these minutes.


With regard to test beds, a number of different aspects were being tested, and the Programme Board would measure which of these had proved to be the most effective.  The Programme Board would receive feedback about this in September, and this would inform the model for integrated locality teams to be adopted across LLR.  Board members felt that it would be helpful if information was circulated relating to the key performance indicators and the logic model being used to identify overall programme outcomes and the specific performance measures for each test bed.


A Memorandum of Understanding had been developed for the Integrated Locality Teams.  There had been challenges in determining the level of detail that should be included in this document and it was expected that the initial MoU would be developed into a more formal governance document, in tandem with wider STP programmes/governance.




That the fourth edition of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Locality Teams bulletin be noted.