75 Melton Mowbray Distributor Road Proposals. PDF 1 MB
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Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport regarding progress with the development of an
outer distributor road for Melton Mowbray including the outcome of public
consultation on the proposed northern and eastern route. A copy of the report, marked ‘5, is filed
with these minutes as is a supplementary report (circulated separately) concerning
a financing agreement with Melton Borough Council and the comments of the
Environment and Transport Scrutiny Committee.
Pain CC said that few local authorities were in a position to undertake
significant road building. Much work had
been done to develop the scheme and prepare the Outline Business case to bid
for Government funding which he hoped would enable construction of the
road. Mr. Rhodes CC noted that Melton
Borough Council was fully behind the scheme.
(a) That the responses to the consultation and evidence from the further work undertaken to develop the Outline Business Case for the northern and eastern sections of the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road (MMDR) be noted;
(b) That the Cabinet reaffirms its decision to prioritise and progress the development of the northern and eastern sections of the MMDR;
(c) That the route for the northern and eastern sections of the MMDR, as illustrated on the plan at paragraph 75 to the report, be agreed for the purposes of further development and consultation subject to (e) and (f) below;
(d) That the decision of Melton Borough Council’s Policy Finance and Administration Committee agreeing to proceed with the funding arrangements for the MMDR as set out in the Heads of Terms be noted;
(e) That the basis for the agreement regarding the future funding of the northern and eastern MMDR as set out in the Heads of Terms be supported and that the Director of Finance in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance, following consultation with the Cabinet lead member for Resources, be authorised to record the agreement by an exchange of letters with Melton Borough Council;
(f) That subject to an exchange of letters with Melton Borough Council before 22 December 2017 further funding be committed by the County Council in order to -
(i) Submit a planning application for the scheme in summer 2018 (including detailed design, environmental work, consultation, and preparation of statutory orders),
(ii) Complete all further work necessary to prepare the scheme for construction by spring 2020 (noting this is subject to Department for Transport (DfT) funding and full completion of all necessary processes),
(iii) Provide, in negotiation with the DfT, an appropriate local contribution, including underwriting forward-funding contributions to be provided by developers and/or third parties as necessary,
- noting that there could be additional scheme costs following submission of the outline business case and the Heads of Terms with Melton Borough Council will address how this will be financed;
(g) That pursuant to the above, that the officers identified below be authorised, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance and following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Lead Members, to
(i) Continue discussions with landowners and stakeholders, with a view to reaching voluntary agreement over the purchase and/or reservation of land for the northern and eastern sections of the MMDR where possible - Director of Environment and Transport;
(ii) Undertake to acquire by agreement necessary land (and) rights to facilitate delivery of the northern and eastern sections of the MMDR and make preparations in parallel for use of Compulsory Purchase Orders pursuant to the Highways Act 1980 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981, taking all steps to include the preparation of Draft Order and Statement of Reasons ... view the full minutes text for item 75