76 Market Harborough Transport Strategy. PDF 350 KB
(The appendices for
this report have been circulated separately and can be viewed on the County
Council’s website at - http://ow.ly/AX5y30gWzf2
A copy can be obtained by contacting the committee officer).
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport concerning the outcome of engagement and
consultation on the Market Harborough Transport Study, and seeking approval of
the Market Harborough Transport Strategy.
A copy of the report, marked ‘6’, is filed with these minutes.
noted comments of the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee
and from Dr. S. Hill CC, copies of which are filed with these minutes.
Pain CC was pleased that the Strategy had received widespread support and commended
it to the Cabinet.
(a) That the feedback from the engagement and consultation exercise on the Market Harborough Transport Study be noted;
(b) That the revised recommendations of the Transport Study outlined in paragraphs 31 to 40 of the report be approved;
(c) That the Market Harborough Transport Strategy (Appendix D to the report) be approved;
(d) That it be noted that as resources become available, the improvement schemes identified in the Market Harborough Transport Strategy will be developed further to ensure that advantage can be taken of any future funding opportunities.
Market Harborough Transport Strategy will help to support the planned future
growth of the town, and place the County Council in a strong position to secure
public and private funding for the transport improvements necessary to support