Issue - meetings

Homelessness and Housing Support Review.

Meeting: 23/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 226)

226 Development of a New Model for Homelessness and Housing Support. pdf icon PDF 408 KB


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Public Health seeking approval to consult on a new model for the Homelessness and Housing Support Service in Leicestershire.   A copy of the report, marked ‘7’, is filed with these minutes.


Mrs Posnett said that the proposals planned to build on the Council’s Local Area Coordination work, making the service community-based and more effective in preventing homelessness.




(a)      That the draft model for homelessness and housing support be agreed for consultation;


(b)      That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet in Spring 2019 regarding the outcome of the consultation and presenting the final service model for approval.






The County Council has a statutory duty to take appropriate steps to improve the health of people living in Leicestershire, including the provision of health improvement information and advice and support services aimed at preventing illness. Consultation with stakeholders will help inform the revised model. Being homeless has significant negative impacts on both physical and mental health and so the health of the homeless people is a priority area for public health.


The Medium Term Financial Strategy includes a savings target of £3.1m by 2020/21across a number of contracts as part of the Early Help and Prevention Review (EHAP).  Expenditure on homelessness support has been included in the Review and any savings realised from the current offer will contribute to the EHAP savings target.