34 Attendance Management PDF 296 KB
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources which provided an update on the County Council’s overall position on sickness absence as at the end of September 2018. It also informed of the wellbeing support offer available to the workforce, particularly those who are absent or who are at risk of being absent from work due to stress, depression or mental health issues. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 7’ is filed with these minutes.
Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-
i. Members agreed that further detail was required in the report to show the number of employees affected, in order to put in context the percentages detailed in the tables showing the reasons for absence and the split between short and long term absence.
ii. Regarding absence for stress, depression and mental health, it was recognised that comparisons to the private sector could not be made reliably as the sheer complexity and wide variety of roles within local authorities presented a very different work environment and challenges to that in the private sector.
iii. Most cases of absence due to stress, depression and mental health resulted in long term absence, and were either due to personal circumstances outside of work, or a combination of personal and work related issues. These cases can be complex for managers to deal with. A minority of cases were due to work related issues only.
iv. The Wellbeing offer to employees was welcomed. Wellbeing Champions were volunteers from staff interested in health and wellbeing; all attended an accredited Public Health course which was delivered by external providers. Members were informed that the Assistant Director of Corporate Resources was currently exploring with Public Health the potential refresh of the role of the champions.
v. Members were concerned that, despite a number of measures being put in place to reduce absence, sickness levels did not appear to be improving. They were informed that the range of measures put in place and the work of the Intensive Support Team would take some time to show an impact on the data provided in the report.
vi. The role and responsibilities of the manager in managing the attendance of their staff was discussed. Members expressed concern that the policy, training and guidance in place adequately supported managers in managing a variety of situations, and that managers had the confidence and time to do so effectively.
a) the update on the County Council’s position on sickness absence as at the end of September 2018 be noted; and
b) all data provided within the report in future would detail the number of employees affected in order to set in context the data provided.