Issue - meetings

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Annual Report

Meeting: 06/12/2018 - Employment Committee (Item 33)

33 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Annual Report 2017 - 18. pdf icon PDF 297 KB

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The Committee considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources concerning the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Annual Report for 2017/18.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 6’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


      i.        Slips, trips and falls continue to be the biggest cause of accidents resulting in injury; the data for Leicestershire was in line with national incident rates. The data showed that the location which experienced the highest level of incidents was the LTS Catering Service, which provided food to Local Authority schools; the majority of incidents were due to slips, trips and falls in kitchens;


    ii.        The data for the Learning Disability Service had been disaggregated to cover various sites; Members were concerned that, when aggregated, it showed a higher level of incidents than for the LTS Catering Service. It was agreed that a breakdown of the type of incident by location, and the extra support being given to the service, would be provided to the Committee prior to the next meeting;


   iii.        It was recognised that the number of physical assaults on staff had increased; it was felt that a campaign to encourage the reporting of such incidents had resulted in the increase;


   iv.        Some locations were included twice on the table on page 14 which showed the location of incidents, as there were two separate buildings on site. It was agreed to differentiate clearly in future reports;


    v.        Accident investigations for all RIDDOR reportable incidents could generate a cost to the County Council should an improvement notice be issued. It was agreed to include details of any costs incurred in future annual reports;


   vi.        Whilst the increase in the number of referrals to Occupational Health was concerning, it was seen as a positive indication that managers were making effective use of the service offered.






a)    the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Annual Report 2017-18 be noted;


b)    future Health, Safety and Wellbeing Annual Reports would include details of costs incurred related to RIDDOR reportable incidents and improvement notices issued; and


c)    a breakdown of the type of incident by location for the Learning Disability Service, and the extra support being given to the service, would be provided to the Committee prior to the next meeting.