Issue - meetings

SEND Provision - Results of Consultation on the Development of New Provision (High Needs Block Development Plan).

Meeting: 24/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 271)

271 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Provision - Results of Consultation on the Development of New Provisions (High Needs Block Development Plan). pdf icon PDF 352 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children and Family Services concerning the outcome of the public consultation on the development of local Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision as part of the High Needs Block Development Plan and the outcome of the publication of the Statutory Notice for the development of new provisions in maintained schools.  The report also sought agreement for the Director to determine the Statutory Notice, and to agree a shortlist of potential academy trusts to be recommended to the Regional Schools Commissioner. A copy of the report, marked “Agenda Item 4” is filed with these minutes.


Mr. Ould highlighted the urgent need to increase SEND provision across the County. He was pleased at the extent of parental support for the proposals, noting the benefits for children of being educated in their local community.  


Mr. Rhodes added that he hoped the cost of the additional statutory provision would be met by the Department for Education.




(a)          That the online and written responses to the consultation, and feedback given through public meetings, in particular the high level of support received for the development of new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provisions, be noted;


(b)          That the Director of Children and Family Services be requested to take the views of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee (due to meet on 4 June) into account in developing the provision;


(c)          That the fact that there have been no objections made to the Statutory Notice (published on 4 April 2019) setting out proposals for the development of new SEND provision in maintained schools be noted;


(d)          That the Director of Children and Family Services, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Children, Families and Safer Communities, be authorised to agree a shortlist of potential academy trusts to be recommended to the Department for Education (Regional Schools Commissioner) for a decision on a preferred Trust to operate the new 80-place Communication and Interaction school to open in Barwell in September 2020.






The public consultation exercise closed on 31 March and has received a very positive response. Consideration of the responses received is helping to further guide the development of the new SEND provisions and provide assurance for the Council that the actions proposed are appropriate. The Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee will receive a report on the proposals on 4 June 2019.


Seeking expressions of interest from suitable academy proposers (sponsors) to operate the new Communication and Interaction school in Barwell, is in keeping with the requirements placed upon the Council by section 6A (the Free School Presumption) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, as introduced by the Education Act 2011. 


Authorising the Director to decide on the shortlist of potential academy sponsors to be recommended to the Regional Schools Commissioner, will enable an early decision to be taken, to ensure that the process for the new school remains on schedule for September 2020 opening.