Issue - meetings

Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2018/19.

Meeting: 24/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 278)

278 2018/19 Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn. pdf icon PDF 344 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources concerning the provisional revenue and capital outturn for 2018/19 and seeking approval for additional commitments set out in the report.  A copy of the report, marked “Agenda Item 11” is filed with these minutes.


Members noted that the Council’s Carbon Reduction Commitment also had benefits for its budget, for example, a significant fall in CO2 tonnages resulting from the installation of LED street lighting.


Mr. Rhodes commended officers’ efforts to keep expenditure under control.




(a)           That the 2018/19 provisional revenue and capital outturn be noted;


(b)           That the additional commitments, as set out in paragraphs 51 and 52 of the report, be approved;


(c)           That the prudential indicators for 2018/19 as shown in Appendix E to the report, be noted.






To note the provisional revenue and capital outturn for 2018/19, and to set aside funding for additional commitments.