Issue - meetings

Zouch Bridge Replacement

Meeting: 24/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 279)

279 Zouch Bridge Replacement. pdf icon PDF 395 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport concerning the necessary replacement of Zouch Bridge and seeking approval for the provision of the required funds to build the new bridge. A copy of the report, marked “Agenda Item 12” is filed with these minutes.


The Director assured members that a regular inspection programme was in place of all 300 bridges and structures maintained by the Council (none of which currently required major work on the scale required for Zouch Bridge). 


Mr. Pain noted that the A6006 was a key route for the local economy and a new bridge on land to the south would keep disruption to a minimum.




a)    That Option A, to replace the existing Zouch Bridge with a new bridge on land to the south, be approved;


b)    That additional funding of £5.548m required to construct a new bridge, over and above the £3.1m already allocated in the Medium Term Financial Strategy, be identified through Environment and Transport Department reserves and the Department’s existing capital programme;


c)    That it be noted that continued monitoring of the Bridge will be undertaken to ensure safety.






Continued monitoring of, and repairs to, Zouch Bridge combined with reactive weight restrictions (weight limits, lane closures and/or road closure) where necessary may suffice to keep it open for the next few years, but the Bridge is nearing the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced.


Replacement of the Bridge with a new structure to the south will avoid serious adverse impact on Leicestershire’s road network, minimising disruption to traffic and business, and doing this at the earliest opportunity should enable the project to be completed before reactive weight restrictions are required.


To ensure that any safety risks associated with the ageing bridge are identified and addressed.




The following 3 options were considered:


Option A – replacing the existing bridge with a new bridge to the south;


Option B – continuing with reactive maintenance to the concrete; monitoring the bridge and carrying out repairs as required;


Option C – imposing weight restrictions, by way of limiting vehicle weights, closing lanes, or closing the road, as necessary.