21 Recruitment and Retention Incentives. PDF 137 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee considered a report of the Director of
Corporate Resources concerning the introduction of a range of new recruitment
and retention incentives for hard-to-fill posts. A copy of the report marked “Agenda Item 9”
is filed with these minutes.
Members were assured that a robust business case with strong
evidence was needed and was applicable to hard-to-fill posts only.
In response to questions, members were informed that:
i. The market supplement payments referred to in the Policy could be applied to the retention of existing staff as well as the recruitment of new staff, in order to avoid a two-tier system. A robust business case would be needed to put this arrangement in place.
ii. The market supplement payments would be paid for an agreed period of up to three years, at which point a thorough review would be undertaken to consider whether the payment should continue.
iii. Potentially the award of a market supplement payment could erode the differential between grades, particularly at the middle grades, and result in a team member being paid more than a supervisor. Alternative incentives, rather than monetary, would be considered as part of the business case, such as an increased annual leave allowance.
The Hay Evaluation Scheme related to the post
and the grade for the job; market premia payments would be awarded in addition
to that.
That the Recruitment and Retention Policy for Hard-to-Fill Posts be noted.