The Board considered a report of the Chief Executive, a copy of which, marked ‘agenda item 7’, is filed with these minutes.
The Chief Executive reported that the local member Mrs. H. Fryer CC had raised concerns regarding the high volume of traffic and flooding on Granite Way which could be exacerbated should the application be approved.
In response to a question from a member the Chief Executive clarified that the need for new waste capacity identified in the Leicestershire Minerals and Waste Local Plan related to the final destination of waste and as the Granite Way application related to a waste transfer station it was not covered in terms of the need set out in the Minerals and Waste Local Plan.
That the application 2020/0632/02 (2020/VOCM/0017/LCC) be refused.
Reasons for Refusal
1. The proposed increase to the waste facility’s throughput would result in a
strategic facility in a location not supported by Policy W3 of the Leicestershire Minerals and Waste Local Plan. Therefore, the site is inappropriate for the proposed use and poorly located in respect to waste arisings. The justification for the current waste facility was that it was a non-strategic site that delivered clear operational and environmental benefits. This proposal offers no demonstrated benefits in this respect; thus, it is an unsustainable and inappropriate location for a strategic waste management facility as now proposed. There is no overriding need for the extended throughput in this location and no reasons have been demonstrated why the facility could not be located in an appropriate location. Therefore, the proposal is contrary to policy W3.
2. There is insufficient information to assess the noise impact associated with the proposal and assess whether it complies with Policy DM2 of the Leicestershire Minerals and Waste Local Plan.