The Board considered a report of the Chief Executive, a copy of which, marked ‘Agenda Item 7’, is filed with these minutes.
In accordance with the procedure for making representations to the Board Edmund Hunt (Cotesbach Parish Council), Howard Jones (Shawell Parish Meeting) and Kate Baughan (Campaign Group) all spoke against the proposals, and Matthew Lawman (AA Environmental Ltd) spoke on behalf of the applicant.
The local member Mr. B. L. Pain CC raised concerns regarding environmental issues such as flies, odour and noise and stated that it was an inappropriate location for the facility and he supported the officer’s recommendation.
Board members raised concerns that the odour assessment had been a desk based one using modelled projections and did not involve testing on the actual site. The Chief Executive confirmed that odour was not the reason he was recommending that the application be refused.
That the application 2020/0657/03 (2020/CM/0045/LCC) be refused.
Reason for decision
The proposed development would result in a strategic facility on a greenfield site in a remote rural location, contrary to policy W3 of the Leicestershire Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The site is poorly located in respect to waste arisings and to sustainable transport choices. The proposal lacks any demonstrable colocation benefits and involves the exportation of the vast majority of waste outputs by HGV to distant and dispersed locations. Furthermore, it has not been demonstrated as to why the facility could not be located in the urban areas. Therefore, the application, if approved would be contrary to policy W3.