Issue - meetings

Update on pay.

Meeting: 03/02/2022 - Employment Committee (Item 32)

Update on Pay.

The Director of Corporate Resources will provide a verbal update on this item.


The Director of Corporate Resources provided a verbal update on Local Government pay arrangements following an update from The National Employers.


Members were informed that:


      i.        Negotiations for the 2021/22 Local Government pay arrangements had been ongoing since early 2021 and remained unresolved. The initial trade union request was for a 10% pay increase across the board.


    ii.        In relation to the National Joint Council negotiations, the National Employers made a final offer in July 2021 of a 1.75% pay increase at pay points 2 and above, 2.75% to those on pay point .The  National Joint Council offer also included offers of joint discussions on  term time only arrangements, homeworking, mental health joint guidance, and maternity and other related leave. In relation to the Joint National Councils for Chief Officers and Chief Executives, a 1.5% increase was tabled.


   iii.        All three union bodies (Unison, Unite and GMB) had rejected the offer and had moved to ballot their members on strike action. Unison had completed its ballot which resulted in no strike action due to less than 50% of members taking part in the ballot. Unite had an ongoing ballot. GMB had not yet started to ballot members.


   iv.        The National Employers were now considering how to proceed.

It was noted that there would be a possibility for tax implications if a backdated pay award was provided in tax year 2022-23. A pay award in the next tax year would also coincide with planned changes to rates of National Insurance contribution.


The Committee would be notified when an agreement on pay arrangements had been made. In the event that a deal was accepted, or that the Council chose to implement an award to its own employees, before a meeting of the next Employment Committee, the Director of Corporate Resources would write to the Chair of the Committee and opposition party Spokesman to seek approval. A report would then be presented at the next Committee.




That the update on Local Government pay arrangements be noted.