Issue - meetings

Appointment of Scheme Member Representatives to the Local Pension Board.

Meeting: 11/12/2023 - Local Pension Committee (Item 121)

Appointment of Scheme Member Representatives to the Local Pension Board.

Two nominations have been received, therefore there will be a ballot at the meeting.


The Chairman reported that two nominations for the position of employee representative on the Local Pension Board had been received. The nominations were for Mr. Anthony Cross and Mr. Andrew Stewart. It was noted there was also a vacancy of reserve employee representative.


It was noted that the current employee representatives elected to the Board were:


  • Mr. M. Saroya (to remain an employee representative for a period of one year).
  • Mrs. R. Gilbert (to remain an employee representative for a period of two years).




a)    That Mr. A. Cross be appointed as an employee representative for a period of three years expiring at the Annual Meeting in 2026.


b)    That Mr. A. Stewart be appointed as a reserve employee representative.


Meeting: 12/12/2022 - Local Pension Committee (Item 87)

Appointment of Scheme Member Representatives to the Local Pension Board.

One nomination was received for the Local Pension Board, no ballot

is therefore required. Ms. Ruth Gilbert will therefore be appointed to the

Local Pension Board for a period of three years.


There is therefore a vacancy for the reserve Scheme Member

representative. Please use the contact details above if you would be

interested in the role.



The Chairman reported that one nomination for the position of employee representative on the Local Pension Board had been received. The nomination was Mrs. R. Gilbert. No ballot was therefore required.


It was noted that the current scheme representatives elected to the Board were:


Mr. M. Saroya (to remain a scheme member representative for a period of two years).

Mrs. C. Fairchild (to remain a scheme member representative for a period of one year).




That Mrs. R. Gilbert be appointed Scheme Member Representative for a period of three years expiring at the Annual Meeting in 2025.


That the reserve scheme member representative remained vacant.