Issue - meetings

Leicestershire County Council Bus Service Improvement Plan.

Meeting: 13/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 370)

370 Improving Passenger Transport Through a Refreshed Bus Service Improvement Plan. pdf icon PDF 148 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport which provided an update on work associated with the refresh of the Leicestershire Bus Service Improvement Plan (LBSIP 24).  A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 10’, is filed with these minutes.


The Highways and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the report at its meeting on 5 September and a draft minute is also filed with these minutes.


Members expressed concern around the current funding uncertainties in a number of service areas which could affect the ability to deliver the plan.


A concern was raised about the removal of commercial bus services after a certain period in areas where there had been new housing development.  It was stated that there was now a condition added to many planning applications to ensure that a bus route was supplied for a number of years following the building of a housing development.  The Director of Environment and Transport stated that much of the legislation around bus services was set out in the Transport Act and as such, local authorities were restricted on what they could do.  Members added that any additional funding would be welcomed and the priority should be to provide services where they were most needed.




a)         That the financial implications and ongoing funding requirements arising from implementing the National Bus Strategy (NBS) and associated Leicestershire Bus Service Improvement Plan, and the County Council’s longer-term Bus Service Improvement Plan funding requirement be noted;


b)         That the Leicestershire Bus Service Improvement Plan (LBSIP 24), attached as Appendix A to the report, be approved;


c)          That it be noted that, pending any changes in legislation/guidance from the Government, implementation of the LBSIP 24 will proceed as planned.






To comply with the requirements of the NBS and the updated Department for Transport (DfT) BSIP guidance, which required the County Council to publish a refreshed BSIP in 2024.  This will ensure that the Council is eligible for NBS support funding.


As outlined in the ‘Improving Passenger Transport Through Bus Service Improvement Plan Plus and Network North’ Cabinet report (December 2023), the recent funding awards from the Government provide a unique opportunity to explore how the Council, working closely with local bus operators through its Enhanced Partnership (EP), might take a different approach to providing supported passenger transport services across Leicestershire and, therefore, enable a more resilient and secure commercial network.  The updated BSIP document outlines the resources now available to the Council and the outcomes that are expected to be achieved.


The new Government on 17 July 2024 announced proposals to submit a ‘Better Buses Bill’ through Parliament, indicating a change in approach.  Should new legislation be passed, or significant guidance be received from the DfT, it may be necessary to review the LBSIP 24.  The LBSIP 24 has been drafted to enable a measure of flexibility and the Director of Environment and Transport has delegated authority (following consultation with the Chief Executive) to make such consequential amendments to plans/policies/strategies agreed by members as is considered necessary to reflect changes in legislation and good practice.  Any significant changes would be the subject of a further report to the Cabinet.