Venue: County Hall, Glenfield
Contact: Miss. S. Brennan (0116 305 7453) Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2016. PDF 159 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2016 were taken as read, confirmed and signed. |
Declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. No declarations were made. |
To advise of any other items which the Chairman has decided to take as urgent elsewhere on the agenda. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration. |
Internal Audit Service - Progress Against the 2016-17 Internal Audit Plan. PDF 314 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Subcommittee
received a report of the Consortium Treasurer outlining the progress made
against the Internal Audit Plan for 2016 - 17. A copy of the report, marked
‘Agenda Item 4’, is filed with these minutes. The Subcommittee was
advised that all audit work for 2015/16 had been concluded with no high
importance recommendations. With regard to the audit plan for 2016/17 the Audit
Manager provided an update as follows:-
With regard to areas not
yet audited the Subcommittee was assured that these were continuously monitored
for any significant risks and reported on through Directors progress reports
and material risk records. RESOLVED: That the contents
of the report be noted. |
The Internal Audit Charter for ESPO. PDF 264 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Subcommittee
received a report of the Consortium Treasurer concerning changes to the Public
Sector Internal Audit Standards (the PSIAS) and a revised Internal Audit
Charter for ESPO which reflects the changes in the PSIAS. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 5’,
is filed with these minutes. RESOLVED: That the contents
of the report be noted and the ESPO Management
Committee be recommended to approve the revised Internal Audit Charter for
Date of next meeting. The next meeting of the Subcommittee is due to be held on Wednesday 24th May 2017 at 11.00am at County Hall, Glenfield. Minutes: RESOLVED: It was noted that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on 24th May 2017 at am. |
Exclusion of the public. Minutes: RESOLVED: That under Section
100(A)(iv) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public
be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that it will involve the likely
disclosure of exempt information during consideration of the following items of
business as defined in paragraphs 3 and 10 of Schedule 12A of the Act; and, in
all circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption
outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information:- i)
MTFS Monitoring for
the first nine months of 2016/17 ii)
Forecast Outturn 2016/17 and Draft Medium Term
Financial Strategy 2017/18 - 2020/21’ |
MTFS Monitoring for the first nine months of 2016-17. Minutes: The Subcommittee
received a exempt report of the Director and
Consortium Treasurer outlining the results of the first nine months of trading
from April to December 2016. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 8’, is
filed with these minutes. The exempt report
was not for publication as it contained information relating to the financial
or business affairs of a particular person (including the authority holding
that information). Arising from
discussion the following points were raised:-
there had been a decline in store sales ESPO had managed to maintained its
margins and grow market share; (ii).
sales were lower due to the milder weather. However, this had a limited impact
on ESPO revenues as income is derived from the number of meters. Whilst there
had been a loss of some gas customers to Nottinghamshire this was offset by new
customers in Coventry, Derby and from Calico Housing. The introduction of ½
hour meters would have a very limited impact on the business; (iii).
funding pressures on schools is having an impact on spend levels through the
ESPO catalogue and procurement solutions. Currently the most significant
customer base comprised primary schools and ESPO recognised the importance of
engaging with Multi Academy Trusts and the need create an appropriate offer for them; (iv).
ESPO was on target to achieve a £3.9 million surplus despite the increased
pressures in the market it was clear that its ability to deliver future surplus
targets through the price and margin increases and efficiencies was
diminishing. New initiatives were therefore necessary to ensure future growth
of the business. RESOLVED: That the contents
of the report be noted. |
Forecast Outturn 2016/17 and Draft Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 - 2020/21 Minutes: The Subcommittee
considered a report outlining the draft proposals for the Medium Term Financial
Strategy covering 2017/18 - 2020/21 and the draft budgets covering that period.
A copy of the exempt report, marked ‘Agenda Item 9’, is filed with these
minutes. The exempt report
was not for publication as it contained information relating to the financial
or business affairs of a particular person (including the authority holding
that information). Members noted the
tougher financial and business environment now facing ESPO and were supportive
of the shallower rate of growth included in the MTFS. In doing so they
recognised that the delivery of the growth projected would be dependent upon
the delivery of some or all of the initiatives outlined in paragraph 15 of the
report. In reply to
questions the Director advised as follows:- i)
Discussions had
been held with the Chief Officer Group regarding the establishment of a Trading
Company and external consultants had been engaged to advise
on this. The Chief Officer Group would be discussing options concerning the
structure and governance of the company with a view to bringing a report to the
Management Committee in due course. Members commented on the need to progress
this initiative given the potential business opportunities offered; ii)
The capital
programme as currently set out did not include provision for warehouse
automation. The business case for automation was being prepared and would be
the subject of a separate report to the Management Committee; iii)
That in taking
forward the new initiatives there would be careful consideration of the risks
posed to ESPO and its constituent authorities. RESOLVED: a)
the draft four year medium term financial strategy, be noted; b)
the forecast outturn and draft budgets for 2017/18 - 2020/21, be noted; c)
the forecast outturn and draft Medium Term Financial Strategy be recommended
for approval at the Management Committee on 28 February 2017. |