Venue: Beaumanor Hall, Beaumanor Drive, Woodhouse, Leicestershire
Contact: Maria Bates (Tel. 0116 305 6667) Email:
No. | Item | |
Election of Chair Minutes: Mr Tim Moralee was elected Chair of the Schools’ Forum for the ensuing year. Mr Tony Gelsthorpe was elected Vice-Chair of the Schools’ Forum for the ensuing year. ACTION: The Forum
representatives asked Jenny Lawrence to write, on their behalf, to Mr John
Herbert to convey their thanks for all his support and work over the
years. |
Apologies for absence/Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were received from Mr Ould CC, Heather Sewell,
Brian Myatt and Brenda Carson. |
Schools Forum Membership Group 2013-14 PDF 47 KB Minutes: Tim Moralee referred to the previously circulated membership
list. The Forum noted there were
currently 4 vacancies in the academy secondary group and it was agreed that the
membership should be split equally between headteachers and governors. Academy members were asked to seek nominations
via their respective groups. Jenny reported that the two vacancies for an early years
member and post 16 provider were currently being sought. The maintained primary heads would progress
their vacancy in order for the vacancy to be filled. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 20 June 2013
were agreed as a true record. Karen Allen expressed her disappointment and for it to be
minuted at the way primary behaviour partnerships were represented at the last
meeting and how the LA could have evaluated the comment made which under-valued
their role. |
2012/13 School Balances PDF 108 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Purpose To set out the position in regard to school balances for all
schools that were maintained by the Local Authority on 31 March 2013 and the
2012/13 financial year. Issues Raised Jenny Lawrence reported that this report presented the
annual position on school balances identifying individual schools. Jenny added that the number of schools in
deficit was decreasing as schools convert to academies. The analysis of school balances is shown in
Appendix 1. The figures include all
schools maintained between 1 April 2012 and 31 March 2013. Schools who converted on 1 April are shown as
those balances remaining with the Local Authority until conversion and would be
included within the nationally reported school balances. Jenny said that most discussions had been on the level of
school balances and should the control mechanism be inactive. There is no control mechanism as Schools’
Forum chose to remove this. David Thomas asked if those schools in deficit had an agreed
deficit plan. Jenny explained that the
vast majority have agreed deficit plans and were working with some schools to
define their deficit plan or the LA was actively working with them. David Thomas asked what the impact was of schools remaining
in deficit. Jenny said that if the
school converts to a sponsorship academy that deficit rests with the Local
Authority. Jenny added that £2.5M worth
of DSG was available should the Local Authority pick up any deficits. Jenny said that we still see some schools with high balances
and there is a need to question why they are like that. Karen Allen asked if the money was claw
backed where would it go. Jenny said that it had to be used for the same
purpose as DSG. Decision The Schools’ Forum noted this paper. |
School Funding Formula 2014/15 and Funding Age Range Changes PDF 184 KB Minutes: Purpose The report presents the outcomes of the school funding
formula working group commissioned by the Schools’ Forum to review the 2013/14
school funding formula and the approach to funding age range changes in
academies and maintained schools. Issues Raised Jenny Lawrence introduced Dave Green from Woodbrook Vale High School, Andy Winter from Wreake Valley and Tina Hudson-Goater
from Limehurst Academy who had been invited to the
Schools’ Forum as representatives of the working group who worked with the
Local Authority to review the 2013/14 school funding formula and the approach
to funding age range changes in academies and maintained schools. Jenny explained the working group looked at the following
issues:- -
Is there a rationale for a change? -
Note there will be changes in 2015/16 -
Whether we should change the underlining data to
deprivation -
The introduction of the sparsity
factor Jenny said that the working party looked at the sparsity factor and discussed the impact of this and the
movement of deprivation funding. The
proposal was that no changes are made to the formula for 2014/15 and this was
supported by the working party. On funding age range changes Jenny said that the Local
Authority needed to respond to individual changes and have challenged the EFA
considerably and the initial consultation had been around timelines. The Local Authority was not aware until 8
July that the EFA could take money away from the Authority to expanding
academies. Schools’ Forum have discussed this twice on the 20 June 2013
and 8 July 2013 and at that meeting it was agreed with the Local Authority that
the implications of doing nothing were not acceptable. Jenny summarised the proposal as outlined in
the paper to be submitted to the EFA by 30 September in order to fund
maintained schools and academies for the impact of age range changes. Two additional papers were circulated ‘Leicestershire Age
Range Changes – EFA Position Statement’ which had been received by the LA the
previous day and ‘Financial Implications of Changes to School Age Range’ tabled
by Andy Winter. Andy Winter gave a
verbal summary of the working group’s findings and concerns and stated that
observations were not driven by their own interests. Points being made by Schools’ Forum: -
Tony Gelsthorpe asked for clarification
regarding a request to change pupil numbers, is it in fact the Local
Authority’s decision and not the Schools’ Forum. Jenny confirmed it was a County Council
decision but the information was brought to the Schools’ Forum as a major
stakeholder. -
Tony Gelsthorpe asked what happens as a result
of age range change with a rising roll that is to be fully funded. Is there sufficient headroom with regard to
the DSG settlement to fund fully? Jenny
said that all DSG is not for schools.
Jenny added that the LA’s requirement all the schools block of DSG to be
delegated and is the case. The headroom
is within the high needs block, because there were uncertainties around the
changes to post 16 and SEN. Funding not
delegated to schools. Now things are
more certain the risks are reduced, this will transfer money to schools to fund
this proposal. It has a risk with
growing concern regarding SEN. - Is this a non-sustainable model? Jenny commented that it will be sustainable and have a hierarchy of where it came from. Analysis of formula our cap on gains on – very generous – schools will see a gain in the formula but not as quickly. JL there is a possibility deprivation data changes in the formula result in changes ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Draft Work Programme PDF 49 KB Minutes: Purpose To agree the items contained the draft work programme and to
add any further suggested agenda items. Decision -
To add County Council budget as an agenda item
to the February meeting. -
To add membership to the February meeting. |
Any other business. Minutes: Tony commended an EFA document on Schools’ Forum powers and
responsibilities which was supported by Schools’ Forum as a practice
document. Jenny agreed to circulate as a
link with the minutes.'-forums-on-their-role |
Dates of Future Meetings
Minutes: The next meetings were agreed as: Tuesday 26 November 2013, 2.00 – 4.00 pm Thursday 13 February 2014, 2.00 – 4.00 pm Monday 16 June 2014, 2.00 – 4.00 pm Thursday 18 September 2014, 2.00 – 4.00 pm Venue for all at Beaumanor Hall. |