Venue: Beaumanor Hall, Beaumanor Drive, Woodhouse, Leicestershire
Contact: Karen Brown / Bryn Emerson (Tel. 0116 305 6432) Email: / Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence/Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies for
absence were received from Lesley Hagger, Nigel Leigh and David Hedley. The Chair welcomed
everyone to the meeting and introduced Catherine Drury, early years representative. Karen Allen
referred to a letter received from an absent member of Schools’ Forum which
would be addressed later in the meeting.
Karen outlined the processes to be followed when unable to attend these
meetings and asked colleagues to ensure an appointed substitute attends where
possible so that any views/concerns are represented. The Chair reiterated that Schools’ Forum
meetings are not to discuss individual school issues but about Leicestershire/
phases as a whole. |
Minutes: The minutes of the
meeting held on 21 September 2015 were agreed as a true and accurate record
subject to the following amendments: ·
Sonia Singleton’s apologies to be recorded
under Apologies for Absence. ·
2014/15 Maintained School Balances – action point
in the third paragraph to be removed. Matters Arising Update on
Oakfield Traded Service Karen Allen
confirmed that the service was still available for schools but was currently
funded centrally from LEEP (Leicestershire Educational Excellence
Partnership). At present there was no
projected date for the Traded Services Offer to be rolled out. Jason Brooks raised
concern that special schools currently offer an outreach service to primary and
secondary schools and felt this could be a duplication of role. Karen Rixon added that there could be some conflict between some
schools offering this service free where others are charging. Chris Connearn
reported Lesley Hagger would be meeting with Special School Headteachers
about similarities and differences in the outreach behaviour support
offer. Chris Bristow
reported the Local Authority commission outreach work from special schools and
nurseries. Special School Headteachers are undertaking an audit to gain a clearer
policy to be reflected on Local Authority Local Offer to gain a better
knowledge of what is available and where it can be accessed. Chris Connearn
reported Oakfield conversation with primary schools is around accessing all
support possible before accessing Oakfield support which is around preventing
permanent exclusion and maintaining children in mainstream provision. Schools’ Forum
Self-Assessment Karen Allen
confirmed that amendments to the self-assessment were required to bring back to
a future meeting of the Schools’ Forum.
Jenny Lawrence said she would aim to re-circulate to members by the end
of the month. Any Other
Business a) National
Fair Funding Formula b) Trade
Union Facilities Time |
Policy for Funding School Growth Minutes: Jenny Lawrence
informed Schools’ Forum that the report had been considered at the last meeting
where there had been issues raised over ambiguity within the policy and its
financial impact, hence the resubmission to Forum. Jenny explained there
were 2 elements to the policy: ·
Delegated budget – funding newly opening
schools from September to March - the Local Authority has no discretion over
the time lag within that funding. The LA
has no additional funding for this but regulations require this to be provided. ·
Expansion of primary places need. Growth LA needs to fulfil its supply of
school places would cost £21M – the Local Authority must fund statutory £17.5M
of that, if not funded, EFA are able to take the Dedicated Schools Grant off
the LA if agreement is not reached on a growth funding mechanism. Jenny outlined the
policy itself was unchanged and would continue to be reviewed. The current High Needs overspend was
depleting the DSG reserve. Jenny reported that
the new Braunstone primary school would open in September 2016 and the new
school in Birstall the following year, therefore a
policy needs to be in place as a matter of urgency. There was a lengthy
debate from secondary colleagues who largely felt unable to support the policy
because of the proposed 1% reduction in school funding. Jenny stated that the funding reductions in
each year were presented for illustrative purposes only and would change
subject to when developments started and the rate of house building. The Local Authority was not currently
proposing a reduction in school funding as a result of this policy. Karen Allen
reported it was unfortunate that more of the ‘real issues’ had not come through
from the academy financial survey questionnaire. She outlined that whilst academy schools were
under no obligation to share their data, it would be useful to have information
on their budgets, in order for Schools’ Forum to make fair and informed
decisions, to see where schools are genuinely struggling and to get a
reasonable understanding of the difficulties. Jenny Lawrence
commented that the Local Authority would be willing to work with schools to
identify what information was required to pull that together. Jenny confirmed
that the growth in primary schools would inevitably feed into secondary
schools. This is about funding new
places in the system. David Atterbury
reported primary numbers would reach a peak next year and would start to impact
on secondary schools in 3-5 years time. The new
schools referred to in the report are as a consequence of new housing and will
be designated as Free Schools. Jenny confirmed
that Section 106 money met the capital costs of build, the policy on growth
funding is purely to do with the revenue cost of commissioning the places. Jenny re-emphasised
that the table in paragraph 22 was illustrative only, it is known how many new
schools will be required based on current housing proposals but there remains
uncertainty when these will be required (as they are subject to planning
applications and build-out rates). Karen Allen
referred to letter from David Hedley who had raised concerns regarding the
impact of the 1% cut to the AWPU rates for 2016/17, and had asked whether alternative
options had been considered and whether representations had been made to the
Government/Local Authority. Jenny Lawrence
responded that representations had been made to the Government in terms of a
meeting between the Director of Children and Family Services and Nicky Morgan
MP, where High Needs was the subject of discussion. Mr Ould reported a meeting with Nicky Morgan on 18 December - if ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Academy Financial Survey Additional documents: Minutes: Jenny Lawrence
introduced her report and outlined that this links into secondary conversations
in terms of secondary school funding, presented to Schools’ Forum for
information, to obtain a picture particularly in secondary schools where the
Local Authority has little financial information. It was agreed to
relaunch the survey for Schools’ Forum members to give higher profile at
LPH/LSH/LSSH meetings. Mr Ould referred to
Lord Nash’s statement on the future role of local authorities – looks as though
the Local Authority will still have a role relative to statutory functions for
school place planning, admissions, special educational needs, safeguarding and
championing the needs of children. Schools’ Forum
noted the paper. |
School Funding 2016/17 Additional documents:
Minutes: Jenny Lawrence
introduced her report. Jenny explained
that if the role of the Local Authority on school funding was reduced, then
this challenges the future role of the Schools’ Forum, which is expected to be
part of the consultation. If no local
discretion, may want to shift the focus, to working with schools to try to
prepare schools for what may be coming in the future. Karen Allen
emphasised that by the next meeting on 22 February, there may be more
information from Government. Karen also referred
to a letter from David Hedley and his comments.
. Jenny confirmed that the formula is the mechanism for distributing
funding to schools which remains unchanged, the
reduction is a reduction to the overall resources for school delegated budgets. Jenny Lawrence
confirmed that the proposal was a 1% reduction in the AWPU. The Local Authority deadline for response to
submit the budget to the EFA was next week, if there is no reduction on AWPU
there would be significant reduction in major costs, such as special schools
sector and independent core sector. Nick Goforth asked if there was an alternative way to find this
money without reducing the AWPU? Jenny reported that
the reduction was presented in the High Needs overspend report considered at
last Schools’ Forum meeting and this was the proposal. Mr Ould reported he
had met with the F40 team in December – still awaiting
for DfE to provide figures on SEN. Really sensitive issue and does not know what
the final outcome will be. Jason Brooks
commented he would not want to see reduction or loss of places at special
schools. Jenny Lawrence
suggested that Schools’ Forum may wish to set up a cross representative sub
group to help shape an action plan to reduce the High Needs spend. It was agreed to
discuss this further at the next Forum meeting. Callum Orr stated
that 1% seems blunt, and asked if this had been calculated carefully? Jenny Lawrence
responded that she was happy to take this back to reconsider about how to take
this forward. If there is no reduction
in AWPU for 2017/18 discussion around growth become more acute. Jean Lewis
expressed concern regarding the possible reduction of services for SEN which
could have a profound effect for the most vulnerable children in
Leicestershire. This could mean to keep
those schools open, offering places to children out of County. Chris Bristow
reported moving towards a charging system for various Specialist Teaching
Services. Number of layers, about
Personal Budgets, ensuring good graduated response consistent across those
services, which would cost schools more.
Jenny Lawrence commented that would be met as part of the High Needs
costs. Jenny stated it was
important how the LA and academies respond to the national funding consultation
and agreed to circulate information to Schools’ Forum once the consultation was
published. |
Any other business. Minutes: a) Kath
Kelly referred to academy information regarding budgets and the way trusts
operate; in many cases it is a trust budget which does not show in the same way
and need to be mindful when collecting information that it may not show an
accurate position. Jenny Lawrence
suggested a separate conversation with secondary and primary about what data is
collected and what the Local Authority use it for. b) Steve
McDonald reported in his experience as independent academy, the Local Authority
have no responsibility or ability to help.
Jenny acknowledged this but emphasised the need to work together to
lobby to help the position. This will
also give Schools’ Forum understanding when making informed decisions. The meeting closed
at 4.17pm |
Date of next meeting. Monday 22 February 2016 Tuesday 21 June 2016 All the above from 2.00 –
4.00pm at Beaumanor Hall. Minutes: Monday 22 February 2016, 2.00 pm at Beaumanor
Hall Tuesday 21 June 2016, 2.00 pm at Beaumanor
Hall |