Agenda and minutes

Leicestershire Schools' Forum - Tuesday, 4 December 2012 1.30 pm

Venue: Beaumanor Hall, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire

Contact: Gareth Banks (0116 3057011)  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence/Substitutions.


Ivan Ould CC, Kathryn McGovern, Sam Backus-Graveling, John Bassford, Brenda Carson, John Herbert, Kirk Hayles.



Minutes and Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 128 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 20th September 2012 were agreed as a correct record, with the following amendments:


Karen Allen gave apologies following the meeting held on 7th September 2012.



Revised Schools Forum Constitution pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


DfE laid new Schools Forum regulations in September 2012, these changes enact those requirements.  Future role for Forum ensured to 2014/15.  Role for 2015/16 and beyond will be determined by National Funding Formula. 


The following discussions took place:


Leicestershire Primary Heads group to elect Primary Headteachers representatives for both maintained and academy schools.  Constituent groups organise elections and nominations independently.  Secondary academies have formed their own group.  Suggestion that Academy Trust Boards should be involved.


Tim Moralee, as part of the interim management of Oakfield School, will represent the PRU on Forum.


Clarification given on Constitution paragraph 5) a) h), Library and museum services:

  • Decision making limited to delegation of library budget to schools.


Action: JL to review Headteacher / Governor split for maintained primaries and clarify numbers. The Constitution has been amended accordingly and is reissued



School Funding Reform Update pdf icon PDF 109 KB


·         Special schools and units involved in discussions over implementation of High Needs Funding.  Good long way on road to agreement on rates for top up funding which will be confirmed in the Council’s budget setting process.

·         October dataset expected from DfE on 10th December 2012. 

·         Adjustment of per pupil entitlement seen as area least likely to undermine work already done.

·         DSG reserve may help balance any High Needs adjustments.

·         Unable to track NQT Induction funding in Local Government settlement, £12m nationally.

·         Expectation to release budget tool next week.

·         Expecting cash flat settlement on free education for 2 year olds, will require movement of early years expenditure from the early intervention grant to DSG. 

·         Need to monitor situation around high cost pupil changes. 

·         Still no information on financial settlement from DfE.


The following discussions took place:


Expectation that high needs pupils age 19-25 will receive additional support and continuation of section 139.  EFA are using fixed pot for funding.  JL in meeting later today over decision to either fund places directly or provide top-up as the EFA are stressing they cannot fund growth within their funding allocation, more places, less top up. 


A discussion to place around hospital school provision funding.

·         LA previously paid for places as required and regardless of location, meaning pupils were double funded as children also on school role.  Also charged against schools element but now unable to do so.  School Admissions and Pupil Support team now have Medical Needs Co-ordinator to move situation forward.

·         City Hospital School places not funded by LA.

·         Review of placements increased to avoid continued placement.

·         Expectation is that only authorities with Hospital Schools will receive funding


Behaviour support provision in place for secondary schools via Youth Service.  Possibility of primaries making use of provision queried.

·         Issue involved in movement funding across phases.

·         Secondaries using different strategies to reduce behaviour problems.

·         Early intervention being looked at in different localities and across both phases.  Still early days.


LA awaiting response from DfE over alleged NQT funding.  This figure is unidentified in previous finance settlements.

·         LA stays as awarding body until August 2013.  Single NQT qualification costs between £300 and £400.


Issues with inconsistency over where EFA send information and correspondence to.  Can cause delay in decision making processes.  Emergency meeting would be called where decisions on major changes are required at short notice.


LA aware of issues surrounding changes to school age ranges.  EFA unclear on how to move forward but advised changes in academies would be dealt with through them.  LA temporarily adds extra element to funding to replicate September movement with money compensated from those schools seeing reduced numbers, this is not permissible in the new funding formula and Leics hold no funding for pupil number growth. Pupil number growth in academies will need to be addressed by the EFA..


A discussion took place on the £150,000 per school payment.  Even small adjustments have considerable impact in all areas and levels of banding, insufficient time to rework.


Clarification on recommendation 4g: Any decision to de-delegate would affect unit rates.




Recommendations voted on as 1 block and unanimously accepted.  Zero abstentions or votes against.



Funding Union Facilities Time pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


Andy Reeve (JCC) provided additional paper representing views of all trade unions in Leicestershire, intended to provide information felt to be lacking during consultation process.  Information not verified by Leicestershire County Council. 

2 main concerns:

1.     Concerns over message being sent to staff with abolition of established system where local officers were granted time in relation to number of staff being represented. 

2.     Feel that wrong message at time of growing number of independent DFE funded schools.  Message given is that when schools change status there are significant changes to representation and negotiation.  Feel these are negative messages.

JCC appreciates Forum allowing this back for discussion.


The following discussions took place:


Discussion took place around schools working together to fund activities

·         Already being done in other areas. 

·         Concerns raised that county wide secretary roles would be impacted.   Scheme has been in operation since 1980.

·         Landscape changing into one of many independent schools.

·         Schools need to be aware of potential for substantial costs being incurred to meet employment and health and safety regulations.


Structure of funding settlement for Special Schools already includes funding for union activities.




Reversal of decision requires proposal from Forum member from school members group.  TG proposed, no second.  Decision stands to delegate.



Any other business.


No additional business.



Date of next meeting


1:30pm, 17th January 2013 at Beaumanor Hall.