Venue: Beaumanor Hall, Beaumanor Drive, Woodhouse, Leicestershire
Contact: Karen Brown / Bryn Emerson (Tel. 0116 305 6432) Email: / Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence/Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were
received from Ivan Ould, Nigel Leigh, Tony Gelsthorpe, Ian Sharpe, Alison
Deacon, Julie Kennedy, Ed McGovern and Louisa Hallam. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 13/02/2014 (previously circulated) and matters arising. PDF 86 KB Minutes: The minutes of the
meeting held on 13 February 2014 were agreed subject to slight amendment to the
membership category for those present. |
SEND and Personalisation - verbal update Minutes: Chris Bristow gave a verbal report on SEND
Reform and Personalisation of budgets and circulated a paper on personal
budgets. Chis explained that from 1
September the ‘local offer’ would be in place. Schools had a responsibility to publish their
own SEND advice and information, Leicestershire was currently working with
early years’ settings, schools and colleges to assist with this. Briefings were underway in schools and
information would shortly be sent to schools. Chris added that the EHC Plan covers
provision across education, health and care which was similar to a statement of
special needs. Consultation with schools
on providing top up funding was taking place and the SEN Support Plan would be used
to trigger this process in place of a statutory assessment. The conversion of existing statements to an
EHC plan was required by April 2018.
Chris explained the prioritisation of this process and had spoken with
pathfinder colleagues regarding best advice to convene an annual review. The statutory assessment would reduce from 26
weeks to 20 weeks and bureaucracy cut down through SEN support plan being the
basis for EHC plan and encouraged personal centred approach where plans are
devised and co-produced with the parent by SENCos
supported by practitioners. Chris added that there was more work to be
carried out and joint commissioning work to be undertaken. Chris commented that the main discussion
today was personalised budgets and referred to the previously circulated
paper. Chris outlined how an EHC plan
can be requested but said that the resource from education was unknown but that
the provision specified in the EHC plan could include funding from the school
budget share and schools would be encouraged to personalise the support they
provide. The first £6,000 and additional
top up funding that this is specified on the EHC plan. A Forum member asked what steps was the
Local Authority taking about monitoring and evaluation of this new strategy and
what role schools play. Gill commented
that the whole SEND project would be reviewed in the first term. Karen Allen asked about the personalised
budgets changes in SEND and the deadline for turnaround of assessments being 20
weeks. She added that there seemed to be a growing trend in schools that
already have statements and annual reviews taking 8 months to get a decision in
order to get more provision. She felt
that the reason was a financial one.
Chris stated that the delay was not due to financial reasons but to a
staffing shortage for which the solution was being actioned. Chris explained that Leicester City was one
of the pathfinder authorities and health colleagues are up to date with this
agenda. The key thing was joint
commissioning to align the relevant services.
There are new requirements for care plans and health care plans and
Health need to put together a health care plan. David Lloyd expressed extreme concern
regarding child mental health as they not receiving the basic support to get on
that ladder to get the help they need for mental health issues. He added that there was not enough support
for mental health issues. Lesley Hagger stated that this had been
identified for any pathway for CAMHS tiers 1 -4 and had at last been recognised
in health. Lesley added that this workstream was being looked at. |
2013/14 Schools Budget Outturn PDF 140 KB Minutes: Jenny Lawrence
introduced ‘2013/14 Schools Budget Outturn’.
Jenny outlined that the Dedicated Schools Grant Reserve at the end of
the financial year had nearly £1.4M sitting in an unallocated element. Jenny referred to
the £2.2M current exposure to sponsored academy deficits for which £2.5M was
set aside. Forum noted this
position. Jenny added that funding was
being held for the age range changes in 2015/16 in order to give a level of
funding protection (£2.7M in 2014/15 and 2015/16). £1M had been set aside for demographic growth
in primary places and other allocations for the continuation of the wind-down
of Key Stage 3 provision and the Oakfield action plan. As
part of the NNDR exercise across schools, maintained and academies would be
fully funded for this. However the EFA would not fund any of the
increase that relates to pre-conversion and this would be something the Local
Authority would need to fund and is an additional and unexpected call on
funding. Schools’ Forum need
to think about pupil number growth as this would become an issue over a number
of years. Jenny said that over the last
two years a contingency had been set aside because of changes to the high level
needs provision which had been able to provide funding for a number of issues,
however this was not a sustainable long term solution to funding growth. Jenny referred to
academy provision for deficits and challenging discussions were being entered
into with academy sponsors regarding outstanding building work, health and
safety work not carried out. It was not
appropriate to set a growth fund for 2015/16 but there was a need to link into
place strategy. Jenny said that
there was no proposal to allocate the contingency. This would be taken into account with the
2015/16 discussion. |
2015/16 School Funding PDF 363 KB Minutes: Jenny introduced
‘2015/16 School Funding’ which outlined the Local Authority’s response to the DfE’s consultation ‘Fairer Schools Funding in 2015-16. The consultation came out in March with a
closing date of 30 April 2014. Feedback
is expected towards the end of June 2014. Richard Spurr commented that the published figures for the proposed
allocation to Leicestershire were based on 2013/14 data which could mean the
final figures could be significantly different. David Thomas asked
Jenny about the scale back for Leicestershire of £6.3m. Jenny commented that
the methodology of the calculation does not take into account that everything
is funded through the schools’ formula.
The extra £202 per pupil was in the allocation of funding to the LA and
would not allow for schools to be funded at an additional £202 per pupil. The Schools’ Forum noted the paper and acknowledged the analysis at this point for paper C. |
Simplification of Academy Funding PDF 277 KB Minutes: Jenny introduced
the paper ‘Simplification of Academy Funding’ which outlined the Local
Authority’s response to the DfE’s consultation
‘Simplifying the administration of academies funding’. Jenny outlined the
current funding process for how academies received DSG funding and the
exceptions to the funding i.e. early converters, studio or free schools. The proposed changes would require the local
authorities to treat studio and free schools and non-recoupment academies
equally in terms of funding. This would give
these providers access to local authority centrally managed schools budgets
which would include any funding established within local authorities to fund
growth in pupil numbers Richard Spurr asked about pupil estimates and whether this was a
financial burden. Harvinder
commented that there were lots of changes in Leicestershire and national move
to the fair funding formula would have an impact at local level regarding age
ranges. He added it was down to the
Local Authority to provide growth funding where it is appropriate to do
so. Sonia Singleton
commented that there were more and more calls on DSG regarding
sponsorship. Some of the potential
sponsors want problems fixing before they go into sponsorship. Either the Local Authority fix the problems
and they sponsor or the sponsors fix the problems and sponsor. This point was mirrored by other Forum
members. Discussion took
place on the age range changes and potential building work which would require
expansion in a few years time. Harvinder commented
on the funding arrangements for 2015/16 where you can vary the funding
according to numbers. Lesley Hagger said
she had a meeting on the 30 June with the Chief Executive and the EFA to
discuss how we would work together to make best use of all our resources. Lesley agreed to report back to the next
Schools’ Forum. The Schools’ Forum
noted the Local Authority’s response to the consultation. |
2015/16 School Funding Formula PDF 53 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Jenny introduced
‘2015/16 School Funding’ which presents an analysis of the Leicestershire
school funding formula and the process and timetable for the development and
approval of the 2015/16 school funding formula. Jenny commented
that this was difficult to plan as we wanted to make sure the resource was used
in the most appropriate way to support an enhanced pupil outcome and get as
much equity into the system. Jenny referred to
Appendix 1 which was an analysis of the formula factors used by local
authorities in their 2014/15 formulae issued by the EFA in February 2014. This information gives a funding formula
comparison for Leicestershire against statistical neighbours and the national
position. Discussion had
taken place with how best Leicestershire should use the additional funding for
2015/16 – appropriate to readdress the balance within the factors. Work on modelling had been carried out. Approval for the 2014/15 age range changes
had been received. Criticisms were level
of projection too high which also happened in 2014/15. There would be a need to go back and review whether
80% remained
appropriate for 2015/16 especially as schools could now plan for the change. Schools Forum
supported the approach to be taken by the Authority in allocating additional
funding across primary and secondary schools as well as special schools &
units and early years providers. Jenny proposed that
a Task and Finish Group was established to ensure schools are fully engaged
with the local authority in developing the overall approach to school funding
in 2015/16 and the development of the funding formula. The Group would assist the development of the
proposals to provide challenge to the Local Authority. A number of business managers had been
approached to be part of the group and Jenny asked that Schools’ Forum nominate
members to join the group. The first meeting
had been arranged for 26 June 2014 at Beaumanor Hall
to start looking at some the issues that are envisaged followed by meetings in
July and August. Alex Green, Bill
Nash and David Thomas agreed to be part of the Task and Finish Group. The Schools’ Forum
supported the three recommendations of the report. |
2014/15 Membership Minutes: Jenny reported that
the membership was assessed on an annual basis and for 2014/15 no changes were
required. |
Any other business. Minutes: There was no
further business to discuss. |
Date of next meeting. Thursday 18th September 2014, 2.00 – 4.00pm Minutes: Friday 5 September,
9.30 – 11.30 am at Beaumanor Hall. Thursday 18
September, 2.00 – 4.00 pm at Beaumanor Hall. |