Venue: Beaumanor Hall, Beaumanor Drive, Woodhouse, Leicestershire
Contact: Karen Brown / Bryn Emerson (Tel. 0116 305 6432) Email: / Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome to new members Minutes: Jenny welcomed the
new members to the first meeting of the Schools’ Forum for the 2015/16 academic
year. Everyone present introduced
themselves to the meeting. |
Apologies for absence/Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies for
absence were received from Ian Sharpe, Sue Rath, Richard Spurr, Michael Wilson,
Tony Gelsthorpe and Janet Thompson. |
Election to Chair and Vice-Chair (all members are asked to consider their position and of their groups) Minutes: Karen Allen was
elected Chair of the Schools’ Forum for the 2015/16 academic year. Suzanne Uprichard was elected Vice Chair of the Schools’ Forum for
the 2015/16 academic year. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 June 2015 and matters arising PDF 242 KB Minutes: The minutes of the
meeting held on 18 June 2015 were agreed as a true and accurate subject to the
deletion of the word PRU against Tim Moralee’s name
in those present and moved to Suzanne Uprichard’s
name. Matters Arising 2014/15 Schools
Budget Outturn The Secondary
Academy representatives asked if the decision to no changes to the school
funding formula for 2016/17 was made at the last Forum meeting and did it
include the £20M additional money. Jenny
commented that no decision was necessary as the local authority was proposing
no change to the funding formula for 2016/17 given there was information on the
future direction of the government’s school funding policy and the future of
the national fair funding formula. Karen Allen added
that any proposals for 2016/17 school funding was
required to be completed by this point with decisions made by October. Kath Kelly asked if
the additional money due to come had been built into 2015/16 and into 2016/17,
Jenny Lawrence confirmed that it had.
Karen Allen commented that there were a lot of discussions on the
allocation of the additional funding and the decision was the right route to
allocate that money. Jenny commented
that it was difficult to pick out any key funding issues affecting secondary
schools. A survey to secondary schools
on financial data would be undertaken to inform any future school funding
decisions. Jenny added that the returns
from the survey would be shared with Schools’ Forum. David Thomas added
that Schools’ Forum agreed some principles on the basis of which the
application was made and asked if there was any merit in having someone report
back as to how near those principles were met and would it be helpful for
Schools’ Forum to come back with some analysis of what we achieved. Jenny commented that this was possible to do
which would link in with what other financial information was collected through
the school funding survey The Secondary
Academy representatives asked therefore if decisions were made without access
to secondary data. Jenny explained how
the formula was arrived at and that national benchmarking information was used
to compare where Leicestershire was with some other authorities. Jenny stated that the formula was defined
with significant secondary school through a high presence in the working groups
from the secondary phase and that secondary schools had not responded to the
consultation. Karen Allen
commented that it was difficult to represent the people they are elected to
represent and that all schools needed to engage with the process and be aware
of discussions and consultations that are happening. Jenny reported that
with regard to reviewing the formula, direction and guidance was expected from
the Government at the beginning of December with
additional data. It was agreed to put
the Funding Formula for 2017/18 onto the next agenda and if needed a working
party would be pulled together at the January meeting. Oakfield
Outreach Traded Service Karen Allen
informed Schools’ Forum that the Leicestershire Primary Outreach Traded
Services Offer was due to be rolled out to headteachers. Karen added that it had been positively
received and Oakfield required 60% of schools to ‘buy-in’ to break even
otherwise the school would incur charges.
Suzanne Uprichard commented that Oakfield had a substantial amount
of support and expertise. |
Schools' Forum Self Assessment PDF 176 KB Minutes: Jenny explained
that the DfE had issued a Schools’ Forum
Self-Assessment template to allow local authorities to assess the strengths and
weaknesses of their Schools’ Forum. The
paper sets out the LA’s assessment for the Leicestershire Schools’ Forum which
the meeting was asked to note and comment upon. Jenny commented
that one weakness was the election process for academy representation and the
need to define more clearly how academy representatives are elected. Forum members made suggested further comments
to Jenny on the self-assessment which would be incorporated into the document. Suzanne Uprichard suggested that Governor Development Service send
the link to the self-assessment in order for Chairs of Governors to pick this
up. It was agreed that
Jenny would make the amendments to the self-assessment and to circulate to
Forum members to ensure it reflects the conversation held at the meeting. |
2014/15 Maintained School Balances PDF 141 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Jenny explained that the annual report comes to Schools’ Forum detailing
maintained school balances for the 2014/15 financial year. Jenny added that the same survey used for secondary academies should be
sent out to primary academies. Suzanne asked what was being done about maintained schools in deficit
when they have to be sponsored – does the Local Authority have to pick up the deficit? Jenny responded that the Local Authority does
have to pick the deficit up for sponsored academies. Deficits in all maintained schools are
monitored and depending on the size and reason for the deficit there are a
certain set of actions including the issue of Financial Notice of
Concern, monitoring and attending meetings of the Governing Body. Jenny added that where schools have a deficit
and have to go into sponsorship they are issued with a notice of concern. Karen Allen asked if they would be split into
bands. Jenny commented that there was an
increase in the 8.1% balance and discussion would take place with some of these
schools to find out what the situation is. It was noted that
similar information was not published by the DfE and
that academy financial statements are so old when they are published they do
not provide any meaningful information on the reserves held by academies. The Schools’ Forum
noted the paper. |
Early Years Call for Evidence PDF 227 KB Minutes: Jenny informed the
meeting that the report sets out the local authority’s response to the recent
consultation on the cost of providing childcare. Jenny felt it would be useful for Schools’
Forum to note how Leicestershire is involved in dealing with funding issues through
the Dedicated Schools Grant, in this instance to fund all places for the Free
Entitlement to Early Education (FEEE). Jenny outlined the
paper and in particular the introduction of the Living Wage and how this would
have a huge impact on the childcare sector. Nick Goforth asked
if this was the Forum to work together on this issue. Jenny said that some initial modelling on the
data had been carried out and the possible impact of this. Jenny was happy to work across a section of
schools to ascertain financial implications of this and other issues. Discussion took
place on the impact the National Living Wage would have on childcare providers
if they were unable to meet the additional wage bill. Lesley commented that this would also have
implications on the local authority meeting the sufficiency duty around
providing places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds.
The Schools’ Forum
noted the discussions and it was suggested to them that they share school
funding concerns with governors and with MPs. |
Policy for Funding Schools Growth PDF 172 KB Minutes: Jenny outlined that
the report sets out the proposed Local Authority policy on funding school
growth. Jenny explained that where there
are new schools, the local Authority is required to fund those pupils and in
addition to this, the local authority would provide additional revenue to
schools expanding that meet the criteria set out in the policy. Jenny said that the
overall impact of per pupil funding for the seven months before pupil funding
is reflected in the DSG will be approximately £19.5m leaving a funding gap of
£13M. There was one source of grant into
the Local Authority and no possibility of a top up from the local
authority. Financial planning needs to
start to look at how the funding gap will be met. There is no underspend in SEN budgets and
therefore discussions will have to take place with schools about top slicing
budgets. Jenny referred to
the policy which led to discussion regarding the instances where the local
authority may make a one off payment to schools. Jenny noted the comments made by the Forum
members and it was agreed to bring the policy back to Schools’ Forum with
amendments for approval. The Schools’
Forum also noted the future financial implications for funding school growth. |
Minutes: Jenny explained
that the report sets out the forecast overspend for special educational needs
and the reasons for this overspend.
Jenny explained the current system of high needs funding whereby
mainstream schools were required to contribute to ‘top up’ the funding and at
the time the local authority had delegated the mainstream funding to schools. Jenny outlined that
there was a need to understand what was happening in terms of places needed for
the future, to have open dialogues with schools if they were meeting the needs
of the high needs children and to start looking at alternative ways of making
provision. The Schools’ Forum
noted the paper and it was agreed that members would discuss issues that have
been raised in the paper with their respective groups. |
Scheme for Financing Schools PDF 38 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Jenny explained
that the report presents changes to the Leicestershire Scheme for Financing
Schools which are necessary as a result of a directed revision by the Secretary
of State for Education. Jenny said that
there were no local changes but outlined a revision in two areas. The Schools’ Forum approved the revised
Scheme for Financing Schools. Jenny commented
that key changes will be communicated to bursars. |
Any other business. Minutes: a)
National Fair Funding Formula Mr
Ould made the Schools’ Forum aware of the Government’s manifesto pledge to
introduce a national funding formula for schools in England. Mr Ould added that MP’s in the F40 group were
in receipt of petition forms for parents to complete by 25 October 2015 which
would be filtered to schools. Mr Ould
agreed to forward information to Forum members and would contact Nicky Morgan
in order to be guided by her response to the Loughborough area. b)
Trade Union Facilities Time Jenny
made Schools’ Forum aware of its prior decisions to delegate funding for supply
cover costs which included trade union facilities time. Lesley Hagger had now received a letter from
the trade unions asking for this to be considered again at Schools’ Forum. Jenny commented that as a local authority we
are not proposing to go back to schools that the unions have requested this
funding to be de-delegated, however it is not possible to de-delegate funding
for academies. Jenny asked if it was
possible for maintained schools to read the letter and bring it back to the
next Schools’ Forum meeting for discussion around the benefit of going back. This was agreed. |
Date of next meeting. Thursday 10
December 2015 2.00 – 4.00pm at Beaumanor Hall Monday 22
February 2016 2.00 – 4.00pm at Beaumanor Hall Tuesday 21 June
2016 Minutes: It was agreed to
move the next meeting because of school commitments in December. Therefore the meeting scheduled for Thursday 10 December
is cancelled. Following the meeting it was agreed that the
next meeting would be Thursday 14
January 2016, 2.00 – 4.00 pm at Beaumanor Hall. Further meetings were agreed: Monday 22 February 2016, 2.00 pm at Beaumanor
Hall Tuesday 21 June 2016, 2.00 pm at Beaumanor
Hall |