Venue: Beaumanor Hall, Beaumanor Drive, Woodhouse, Leicestershire
Contact: Karen Brown / Bryn Emerson (Tel. 0116 305 6432) Email: / Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence/Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies for
absence were received from Graham Bett, Dave Hedley (Martin Towers
substituting), Clive Wright, Carolyn Lewis and Councillor Ivan Ould. Karen Allen gave an
update on the Schools’ Forum membership as follows:
Minutes: The minutes of the
meeting held on Wednesday 24 September 2018 were agreed. |
Schools Budget Update Minutes: Jenny Lawrence
introduced the report which sets out for
Schools’ Forum’s information a number of financial issues including the basis
for the 2019/20 School Funding Formula. Jenny explained
that the basis for the 2019/20
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) is unchanged by the Department for Education with
the exception of a new methodology for funding local authorities for school
growth. Jenny gave an update within the
Schools’ Block. Jenny stated that
schools will fully receive their rent where allowable and rates using funding
formula agreed for 2018/19. It was not
possible to set out the level of growth funding to be received as not all the
census information was available. An
update will be provided at the next meeting.
In terms of Early Years’ settlement this will remain the same which
includes funding the Early Years’ Service.
The Central Block meets the local authority’s statutory responsibilities
that remain for all schools. Jenny highlighted the changes made by the DfE to the 2019/20 NFF funding rates. The funding guarantees remain on a per pupil
basis so schools with a falling number on roll will see a reduction in
funding. DSG allocations for the schools, high needs
and central schools’ service blocks will be updated by the DfE
for the October 2018 census and revised allocations will be available in
December. Jenny added that there will be
no changes to the Leicestershire school funding
formula and no transfer from schools to the high needs block; Leicestershire is
one of the few authorities not to do so for 2019/20. Jenny reported that paragraphs 8-12 sets out the changes
in growth funding. The growth policy
will need to be presented to Schools’ Forum in order to understand the new
formula (paragraph 10) for Leicestershire, the build in the profile for new and
expanding schools and future age range change protection. Jenny outlined the teachers’ pay award rates set by the DfE for the teachers’ pay grant based upon the October 2017
school census. Jenny added that the ESFA
have indicated that the teachers’ pay grant will continue into 2020/21 but is
likely to be absorbed into the funding formula.
David Thomas asked how this will tie in with the minimum increase per
pupil. Jenny stated that this was only
guaranteed for 2018/19 and 2019/20 and in terms of 2020 there was no indication
of school funding or any future funding protection levels; the only information
available is that it would be a soft formula for 2020/21 with future funding
levels dependent upon Comprehensive Spending Review, the date of which and the
period it will cover are unknown. In terms of support staff pay it has been necessary to address the issues
of the national living wages impacting on the local government pay award and
the implications for the Leicestershire County Council pay structure and
therefore a new salary structure is being consulted on. The implications will differ between schools
and academies that adopt the Leicestershire pay structure but are estimated
between 4% and 7% of support staff pay.
There were large concerns expressed at the meeting about the support
staff pay scales which will in some cases require a restructure. Jenny stated that the Government announced £400m of additional funding in
October which suggests will be a one off grant for 2018/19 and is a capital
grant. Details of this were awaited. The local authority received a capital grant of £0.2m for maintained schools from the Healthy Pupils Fund which has been allocated across all schools. Jenny stated that schools are asked if the money has been spent using the correct guidelines in December and ... view the full minutes text for item 82. |
High Needs Block Recovery Plan Minutes: Jane Moore
introduced the report which builds upon the presentation from the Schools’
Forum meeting on 24 September setting out the position in terms of high needs
provision and presents the proposals for the High Needs Recovery Plan. Jane gave explained
that nationally there are growing concerns over the high needs block and high
needs deficiency across the country.
Paragraphs 8 and 9 give the key issues which were founded by the
Association of Directors of Children’s Services and National Association of Headteachers. There
are indications that the DfE are aware of the
financial pressures but have yet to provide a solution. For Leicestershire,
the High Needs Block Dedicated Schools Grant budget for 2017/18 was £61m and
overspent by £1.1m. At the end of Period
6 for this financial year the projected overspend on the high needs block was
£3.6m. The DSG reserve is £2.2m
resulting in an overall deficit of £1.4m.
As outlined in the report, Jane highlighted the factors that the
overspend relates to and the system wide issues in how the funding is
determined. This increase in overspend
sits alongside a backdrop of a number of key issues which are outlined in the
report. Jane stated that the projected
increase in provision demand over the next 5 years is 22% and based on a number
of factors, the expected financial position to 2022/23 is a £44m cumulative
deficit if no actions are taken which is financially unsustainable and
therefore not an option. Jane stated that
through expansion of current provision and the development of new provision it
is possible to reduce the high needs overspend and in time, estimated to be
2023/24, result in expenditure being brought into line with the grant. The table in
paragraph 16.3 sets out the deficit plan in order to reduce the overspend by
2022/23. Jane acknowledged the huge
financial risks associated with the recovery plan which is outlined in
paragraph 16.4. Leicestershire is one of
the few local authorities that have not implemented a transfer of funding from
the schools to the high needs block for 2018/19 or considering doing so for
2019/20. Jane stated that most other
local authorities high needs recovery plans are not being delivered through
Invest to Save schemes but are cutting services and moving funding from other
blocks. Jane referred to
paragraph 17 which outlined the focussed activities for the recovery plan, the
third one being the area where most of the costs will be. Jane outlined the provisional plan that has
been developed to significantly grow Leicestershire SEN provision. The closing date for expressions of interest
from schools to develop specialist provision is Friday 30 November 2018. In order to manage
the deficit approval will be sought from the Schools’ Forum annually to carry
forward the deficit in line with the requirements of the terms and conditions
of grant. The local authority is also
required to report annually to the DfE to bring DSG
expenditure in line with the grant. A
report is to be presented to Cabinet in December to seek approval to conduct a
formal consultation process. Chris Parkinson
asked if the cumulative surplus would fund the high needs overspend and asked
what the future need was. Jenny said
that we are dependent on being able to predict the rate of housing growth. Jenny Lawrence added that these are two issues that need to managed alongside each other; it is not acceptable for local authorities to have a high needs deficit funded by school growth, the local authority plans to ‘bank’ unallocated school growth allocations as the need is a future one ... view the full minutes text for item 83. |
Any other business. Minutes: There was no further business. |
Date of next meeting. Monday 26 November
2018, 2.00 – 4.00 pm at Beaumanor Hall Proposed Dates to
be agreed: Tuesday 12 February
2019 Monday 10 June 2019 Minutes: Tuesday 12 February
2019 Monday 10 June 2019 Both 2.00 – 4.00 pm
at Beaumanor Hall. |