Venue: via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Antoine Willie (Tel. 0116 305 1158) Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence/Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies provided for Kath Kelly, Jane Dawda, Beverley Coltman, and Ed Petrie. Felicity Clarke, Lauren Charlton, Simon Grindrod, Jason Brooks, Lisa Craddock, John Pye, Allison Allford, and Robert Martin have not attended. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 13/06/2023 (previously circulated) and matters arising. PDF 185 KB Minutes: Martin Towers discussed the minutes of the last Leicestershire
Schools’ Forum with forum members, presenting the opportunity to raise any
issues or request amendments to the record; no issues of accuracy were raised. Martin Towers has covered the five action points from the last Forum: 1. Beverley Coltman agreed to provide
information on how other Local Authorities (LAs) incorporate Early Years (EY)
representation for this forum’s agenda. This information has not been provided.
Jenny Lawrence has advised that arrangements are already in place for
substitutions which would allow another EY representative to attend without
making the forum membership larger. 2. The Leicestershire Schools’ Forum
Self-Assessment was to be completed by Chair & Vice-Chair, circulated
amongst forum members for amendments, and submitted to the LA for response.
This has been actioned and will be discussed further in Agenda Item 3. 3. Jenny Lawrence agreed to provide clarity
on the LA’s position on Section 10 Insurance of the Leicestershire Scheme for
financing schools as an appendment to the previous minutes. This appendment had
been circulated following the previous minutes but will be added to the minutes
of this forum for holistic completion. 4. Jenny Lawrence agreed to revise Section
3.4 Interest Clawbacks of the Leicestershire Scheme for financing schools as
per last forum’s vote of approval. This has been completed. Communications were to be released to maintained schools via the Headteacher’s Bulletin to inform of all decisions made by the forum. This has been completed; further communications will continue to be circulated via the Headteacher’s Bulletin and Governor’s Briefing regarding upcoming agendas. |
Schools' Forum Self-Assessment PDF 79 KB Members will be asked to review
and comment on the self-assessment compiled by the Chair and Vice-Chair and the
Local Authority’s response to it. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leicestershire
Schools Forum held on 14/02/2023was perceived by the Department of Education
(DfE) to be disjointed. This resulted in a representative for the DfE
requesting to sit in of the next meeting on 05/06/2023 meetings. The DfE
provide a self-assessment toolkit for forums to review their conduct and
progress. This toolkit was shared during the last forum for completion and
review; it is a tool to support forums in reviewing and discussing
improvements. Martin Towers has completed the self-assessment, shared with
forum members, and submitted to the LA. Jenny Lawrence has assessed the
feedback and has provided responses on behalf of the LA; an opportunity is now
presented to the forum to consider whether the responses and measures offered
are appropriate. Kelly Dryden has
requested some amendments made to the comments raised within the
self-assessment for the sake of clarity. Regarding Question 11, Kelly has
suggested making the induction for new forum members an official and compulsory
part of joining the forum, rather than an optional process. Regarding Question
14, Kelly believes that the reality of face-to-face meetings needs to be
properly considered, as virtual meetings provide a more convenient method for
many professionals; the benefits of meeting in person need to be measured
against the time impacts of doing so. Regarding Question 16, Kelly has
questioned where the contact details for the Business Finance Partner can be
located. Jenny Lawrence notes that queries regarding the forum can be directed
Suzanne Uprichard agrees
that the induction for new members of the forum should be compulsory. Jenny
Lawrence confirms that this can be agreed by the forum as a practice without
seeking further approval. Alison Ruff has inquired as to what the proposed
format of this induction should be; Alison is mindful of not wanting to put new
members off by requiring them to attend induction at County Hall. It has been raised that
there is still a lack of clarity regarding the voting system of the forum.
There is concern that some votes could present conflicts of interest due to the
divide between academies and maintained schools. It is also unclear how
feedback is valuated. It is difficult to compare Leicestershire
Schools’ Forum performance with other localities. Jenny has recommended that
the forum compares its practices against the Forum Responsibilities. Martin Towers will make amendment to the self-assessment to reflect Kelly Dryden’s comments. The amended self-assessment will be re-release with this forum’s minutes. |
Early Years Funding Update PDF 116 KB Members will be asked to note the use of the early years supplementary grant and the extension of the Free Entitlement to Early Education (FEEE) in 2024/25. Minutes: The Early Years Supplementary Grant (EYSG) must be used by LAs to
increase the hourly rates paid to childcare providers for existing entitlement
offers. The grant offers funding from September 2023 – March 2024 and must be
paid to providers in full. The additional funding is as follows: § 3- and 4-year-olds will receive an additional 33p per hour,
increasing the rate to £4.77 per hour, per child. § 2-year-olds will receive an additional £1.74 per hour,
increasing the rate to £7.07 per hour, per child. § Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) will receive an additional
4p per hour, per child. This will increase the rate to £0.66 per
universal hour. § Disability Access Fund (DAF) will receive an additional £53
per eligible child, increasing the rate to £881.00 per annum for
claiming 3- and 4-year-old funding. Jenny Lawrence has noted that childcare providers are still working
within a difficult market; the rate for the Free Entitlement to Early
Educations (FEEE) is one of the factors suggested to be leading many providers
to leave the market. Leicestershire is
in a group of the lowest funded authorities for early years provision. 95% of funding needs to be passed through providers and Leicestershire
meets this requirement. The LA did not pass on the full increase to providers
for 2023-24 due to the LA’s need to recover the early years deficit of £4m over
a 4-year period; £950,000 is expected to be recovered in this financial year
resulting in a reduced increase to providers however all providers have
received an increase in funding. |
2024/25 Provisional DSG Settlement PDF 138 KB Members will be asked to note the provisional settlement for 2024/25. Additional documents: Minutes: Jenny Lawrence has identified that a lot of work is needed within the LA
before 2024-25. The LA is investigating why some schools fair better out of the
provisional settlement. The DSG details changes to the National Funding Formula (NFF) for the
next financial year, which is highlighted through the following: § The core factors in the NFF have been increased by 2.4%. § The minimum per pupil funding levels have increased to £4,655 per primary
pupil and £6,050 per secondary pupil. § A funding floor will ensure that every school will attract at least 0.5%
more pupil led funding than for 2023-24. § The 2023-24 Mainstream Schools Additional Grant is rolled into core
funding. Changes to the NFF require all LAs to align their funding formulas with
the NFF; there will be no changes to Leicestershire’s funding formula as it
already fully aligned with the NFF. However, the provisional data identifies
several primary schools, and some secondary schools will receive a reduction in
budget due to a reduction in pupils. The budgets will be updated in December
following the October 2023 census. The LA is working with the School Organisation team to identify changes
in pupil numbers that will inform the 2023 school census the reduction in
schools’ pupils and further decreases in the long-term. The DfE have announced a national Teacher’s Pay Additional Grant (TPAG)
to support schools with the September 2023 pay award. This will continue for
2024-25 before rolling into mainstream funding for 2025-26, allowing schools to
plan their budgets accordingly. The Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has published
additional information on £40m which can be used to support schools in
financial difficulty, on top of the £525m available to schools nationally as
part of the TPAG. The structure of the High Needs NFF is unchanged, although the
provisional settlement exceeds the current forecast and is 3% increase per head
of population. However, the population factor only accounts for 36% of the
settlement calculation. There are national conversations required regarding
what this means for specialist provision. The DfE have said previously that the
High Needs NFF will be reviewed but there is no evidence of this happening
presently; Jenny Lawrence comments that this is unlikely over the medium term
as the NFF for mainstream schools has been under ongoing review since 2018. No update was provided on the High Needs deficit. The deficit is looking
to be higher than expected as numbers of pupils needing special provisions
continues to increase and TSIL is a complex project and so expected savings are
slower than anticipated. The funding for ongoing commitments through the Central School Services
Block remains stable, with an annual contribution of £0.248m for Education
Effectiveness to support maintained schools having difficulties. This funding
is largely contributing to interventions. This funding remains manageable but
there may be risk in the future. Carolyn Lewis has requested a breakdown of the number of £6k notional budgets
versus the number of EHCPs at each school.
Jenny Lawrence responded that this would be included in the review of
the notional SEN budget and would be presented to Forum if appropriate. The
Local Authority must review the growth policy and reasonableness of the SEN
budget for EY. These reviews will be presented to the Schools’ Forum in
November 2023. |
High Needs Funding Framework PDF 173 KB In response to queries on the High Needs Funding, this report sets out the legal position. Minutes: The previous Leicestershire Schools Forum (13/06/2023) discussed the
notional £6k budget at length, discussing whether the expectation of this
contribution from schools was correct and appropriate. The High Needs Funding
sets out the legal framework and statutes that dictates that the notional SEN
budget is the responsibility of the school. This report sets out the legal position to which Leicestershire is compliant. |
Any Other Business Minutes: No other business raised. |
Date of Next Meeting Proposed date for the next Leicestershire Schools’ Forum is Tuesday 21st November from 2pm – 4pm. Minutes: The next meeting has been scheduled for 21st November 2023 at 2pm. This forum will be used to discuss the SEN and School Growth policy. |
Actions Minutes: 1.
Martin Towers will make amendment to the
self-assessment to reflect Kelly Dryden’s comments. The amended self-assessment
will be re-release with this forum’s minutes. 2. The Local Authority must review the growth
policy and reasonableness of the SEN budget for EY. These reviews will be
presented to the Schools’ Forum in November 2023. 3. An induction to Leicestershire Schools
Forum to be arranged for new forum members. |