Venue: Sparkenhoe Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield
Contact: Sam Weston (Tel: 0116 305 6226) Email:
No. | Item |
Webcast. A webcast of the meeting can be viewed at:
Urgent Items. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration. |
Declarations of Interest. Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. Cllr.
M. Sood declared a personal interest in
respect of the substantive item as a member of the Police’s Independent
Advisory Panel, as the Chairman of the Leicester Council of Faiths, as a member
of the Bishop’s Faith Forum and as a member of the Gold Community. |
Confirmatory Hearing for the Post of Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner. PDF 375 KB The
Police and Crime Commissioner and the Candidate for the post of Deputy Police
and Crime Commissioner have been invited to attend this session. A copy
of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s report on the appointment is
attached. A
document explaining the process to be followed at today’s Confirmatory Hearing
has also been attached for information. Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Police and Crime Panel considered a report of the Office of the Police and
Crime Commissioner (OPCC) in regard to its proposed appointment of Cllr. Kirk
Master to the post of Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC). A copy of a
report of the OPCC, marked ‘Agenda Item 3’, is filed with these minutes. Prior
to the commencement of the Confirmatory Hearing, the Chairman outlined the
process to be adhered to, taking those present through a process document which
had been circulated to all members with the agenda for the meeting. A copy of
this report was filed with the minutes. The
Chairman welcomed the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and Cllr. Master to
the Hearing, both of whom were present to respond to any questions the Panel
had about the appointment process and Cllr. Master’s abilities in respect of
“professional competence” and “personal independence”. Officers and Panel
members each introduced themselves to Cllr. Master. In
order for the PCC to be able to take members of the Panel through the process
of appointing Cllr. Master to the post, Cllr. Master was asked to leave the
room. (Cllr. Master left the room.) The Panel
put three principal questions to the PCC in relation to the appointment
process. Broadly, these covered the following issues: 1.
The PCC was quoted in the Leicester Mercury prior
to his election in May 2015 as saying that he was initially keen to appoint a
DPCC, but was not certain, and that if he were to win he would allow himself
the time to assess what was needed and would only make an appointment for what
an individual would add. It was asked what Cllr. Master would bring to the role
of DPCC. 2.
The Panel wanted to know whether the PCC was comfortable with
Cllr. Master continuing in his role as Assistant Mayor at Leicester City
Council with a portfolio for Neighbourhood Services and whether he believed
Cllr. Master would have sufficient independence in the eyes of the public and
the time necessary to carry out the Deputy PCC role to the best of his ability. 3.
The Panel wanted to understand the PCC’s justification for not
having advertised the post in the same way as other posts in the OPCC. In
response to the Panel’s questioning, the following points of the PCC were
noted: ·
It had been made clear in previous meetings with the Panel that
the PCC wished to appoint a DPCC. He required someone with the expertise and
skill to add value to the work of his Office. He believed that Cllr. Master fit
the criteria for the post as outlined in paragraph 7 of his report. The
portfolio of responsibilities he had set for Cllr. Master played to his
strengths; ·
The PCC had been impressed by the variety of work experience outlined
in Cllr. Master’s CV and his background in the Youth Offending Team, Youth
Justice and the Home Office made him an ideal candidate. His involvement in
third sector work and the City’s Community Safety Partnership was also of great
benefit; ·
His personal background in areas such as sport and his involvement
with young people would be of great benefit to the Force, which had
traditionally found engaging young people challenging. It was noted that this
would be of an immediate benefit in formulating the Police and Crime Plan; · The PCC believed Cllr. Master could carry out both the DPCC role and his role as Assistant Mayor with a portfolio responsibility for Neighbourhood Services and that, in his view, this did not represent a conflict of interest. He referred ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
Date of next meeting. The
next meeting of the Panel is scheduled to take place on 23 September at 1.00pm. Minutes: It was NOTED that the next meeting of the Panel would be held later in the day at 1.00pm. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public. The public are likely to be excluded during the following item of business in accordance with Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972:- Panel
Deliberations on the Proposed Appointment of a Deputy Police and Crime
Commissioner. Minutes: RESOLVED: That
under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for
the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 3 and 10 of Part 1
of Schedule 12A of the Act specified below and that, in all circumstances of
the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the
public interest in disclosing the information. · Panel Deliberations on the Proposed Appointment of a Deputy
Police and Crime Commissioner. |
Panel Deliberations on the Proposed Appointment of a Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner. (Exempt under
Paragraphs 1, 3 and 10 of Schedule 12A) Minutes: The Panel, having gone into exempt session, considered the statement and answers provided by Cllr. Master to their questions, in addition to the introduction and responses to questions provided by the PCC and all relevant paperwork provided. RESOLVED: (a)
That the Panel supports the appointment of Cllr.
Kirk Master as Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC), but that assurance
is sought that the following two areas be the subject of further discussions
between the Cllr. Master and the PCC: (i)
the potential conflict of interest represented
by Cllr. Master’s continuing role as Assistant Mayor with a portfolio for
Neighbourhood Services; and (ii)
Cllr. Master’s capacity to balance the DPCC and
Assistant Mayor roles; (b)
That Cllr. Master’s commitment to developing a
thorough knowledge of the community safety issues faced in the County and
Rutland be welcomed and that the Panel believes that Cllr. Master should
prioritise his presence in the County and Rutland to ensure he is able to
develop an ongoing understanding of the issues faced by rural communities; (c)
That a report be submitted to the Panel in 6
months’ time setting out how the PCC is addressing the issues raised in (a)
above and seeking assurances that the way in which the role is carried out by
Cllr. Master does not infringe upon the operational independence of the Chief
Constable and his officers. |