Venue: Sparkenhoe Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield. View directions
Contact: Euan Walters (Tel: 0116 3052583) Email:
No. | Item |
Webcast. A webcast of the meeting can be viewed at: |
Minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on held on 31 January 2018 were taken as read, confirmed and signed. |
Public Question Time. Minutes: There were no questions submitted. |
Urgent items and incident at Hinckley Road, Leicester. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration. However, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) provided an update on the explosion and fire which had occurred the previous evening at a property on Hinckley Road, Leicester. The PCC informed that sadly the explosion had caused at least 4 people to lose their lives and a number of people were in hospital with injuries resulting from the incident. The causes of the explosion were not known at this stage though it was not believed to be terrorism related. An investigation was being carried out jointly by Leicestershire Police and Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service. The PCC thanked the local community for their support in assisting the people who had been affected by the incident. Some local residents required alternative accommodation as a result of the incident and this was being arranged. Members of the Committee joined the Chairman in silent tribute to those that had died in the incident. |
Declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. No declarations were made. |
Confirmatory Hearing for the Post of Chief Finance Officer. Minutes: The
Police and Crime Panel considered a report of the Office of the Police and
Crime Commissioner (OPCC) in regard to its proposed appointment of Mr. Martin
Henry to the post of Chief Finance Officer. A copy of the report of the OPCC,
marked ‘Agenda Item 5’, is filed with these minutes. The
Chairman welcomed Mr Martin Henry to the Hearing. Officers and Panel members
each introduced themselves to Mr Henry. The
Chairman outlined the process to be adhered to, taking those present through a
process document which had been circulated to all members. The
Chairman invited the PCC to explain why he chose Mr Henry for the post. The PCC
stated that Mr Henry fulfilled the criteria for the role as set out in Appendix
A of the report. Mr Henry had over 20 years’ experience in local government
finance and had demonstrated at interview that he understood how finance worked
in this field and he was enthusiastic about working for the OPCC. (The PCC left the room.) The Chairman
invited Mr Henry to explain why he chose to undertake the role of Chief Finance
Officer and how he felt he was qualified for the role. In response Mr Henry
referred to his background in local government finance and the various local
authorities he had worked for. In one of those roles his remit covered Human
Resources, ICT and Democratic Services so his experience was broader than just
finance. However, Mr Henry stated that
he enjoyed the financial side and using numbers to tell a story. Mr Henry acknowledged
that he did not have any experience in the field of policing but he saw this as
a challenge and an area for personal development. In answering the above question Mr Henry explained that he had set up a company to deliver financial advice and support to public sector organisations and as part of this he had been involved with transformation projects. However, Mr Henry had decided that he preferred to work within an organisation rather than as a contractor. In response to questioning from the Panel regarding whether ownership of this company would cause any conflicts of interest should Mr Henry take up the post of Chief Finance Officer at the OPCC, Mr Henry stated that he believed there would be no conflicts. Mr Henry further confirmed that the company was dormant and he had no intention of carrying out any trading activities whilst employed at the OPCC. The Panel then
questioned Mr Henry regarding his suitability for the post under the following
key headings: ·
Competence; ·
Independence. (i)
he be appointed Mr Henry would seek to meet key stakeholders in Leicester,
Leicestershire and Rutland in order to understand the issues and priorities
relating to community safety in the region. Mr Henry
stated that Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) were a vital component of the
partnership working in the area and he would welcome an invitation to CSP
meetings or one to one meetings with the CSP Chairs. (ii)
response to a question regarding the differences between setting a budget for a
Local Authority and setting a budget and Precept for a police force, Mr Henry
said that in his view the two processes were not dissimilar though he noted
that a local authority was the billing authority whereas the Police provided
the Precept information to the billing authority. (iii) Mr Henry had experience of working in an environment where funding was reducing and having to create strategies to enable an organisation to cope ... view the full minutes text for item 41. |
Exclusion of Press and Public. The public are likely to be excluded during the following
item of business in accordance with Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act
1972:- Panel
Deliberations on the Proposed Appointment of a Chief Executive Officer. Minutes: RESOLVED: That
under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for
the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 3 and 10 of Part 1
of Schedule 12A of the Act specified below and that, in all circumstances of
the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the
public interest in disclosing the information. · Panel
Deliberations on the Proposed Appointment of a Chief Finance Officer. |
Panel Deliberations on the Proposed Appointment of a Chief Finance Officer. Following the deliberations the Chairman of the
Panel will write to the PCC on the next working day, following the Confirmation
Hearing, to outline the decision and recommendations of the Panel. The
Candidate will also be sent a copy of the letter. Minutes: The Panel, having gone into exempt session, considered the statement and answers provided by Mr Martin Henry to their questions, in addition to the introduction provided by the PCC and all relevant paperwork provided. RESOLVED: That, in light of the responses given relating to the professional competence and personal independence required of the post of Chief Finance Officer, the Panel unanimously endorses with no hesitation the PCC’s appointment of Mr Martin Henry to the post of Chief Finance Officer. |
Date of next meeting. The next meeting of the Panel is scheduled to take place on 28 March 2018 at 1:00pm at City Hall, Leicester. Minutes: RESOLVED: It was noted that the next meeting of the Panel would be held on 28 March 2018 at 1:00pm at City Hall, Leicester. |