Venue: Framland Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield
Contact: Mr. S. J. Weston (Tel. 0116 305 6226) Email.
No. | Item |
Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, and everyone
present introduced themselves. Apologies
for absence were reported on behalf of Cllr. Kevin Loydall (Oadby
and Wigston Borough Council), Trevor Peel
(Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service), and Ket Chudasama (West Leicestershire CCG). |
Minutes of previous meeting Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2014 were
circulated and noted. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare
any interests in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. It was noted that all members who were also members of a
District or Borough (or Parish or Town) Councils would have personal interests
in issues which related to areas covered by those authorities. |
PREVENT Update (Presentation) Will Baldet – Prevent Co-ordinator Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Will Baldet regarding
the work of PREVENT. A copy of the
presentation slides is filed with these notes. Will explained that the PREVENT programme sought to respond
to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat from those who
promoted it, prevent people from being drawn into radicalisation and terrorism
and ensure that they were given appropriate advice and support, and work with
sectors and institutions where there were risks of radicalisation (eg.
education and healthcare providers, faith groups, and the wider criminal
justice system). He cited a number of groups which presented a risk of terrorism
and/or public disorder in Leicestershire.
Will said that a number of priority areas had failed to
engage with the programme, hence the Government’s decision to make the
requirements statutory. These included - • Training of
staff, in order that threats could be identified and referrals made. • Action Plan
– overarching and sat within the ASB Strategy • There would
be an onus on local authorities to ensure that their premises (eg. libraries, schools) were not being used by any
extremist groups - they needed
to ensure that they had processes in place to prevent
this. • Ofsted
would include this element in its inspections (ie. were staff aware of signs, was support available to
pupils to deal with pressures). The PREVENT strategy would become law in February/March
2015. It had been suggested that a small
amount of funding would be made available to support its implementation but no
details had been given. The Board noted that Leicestershire had an excellent
reputation for PREVENT delivery. Education would be a strong area of focus in 2015 and
PREVENT was working with schools to raise awareness amongst staff and
pupils. The work linked in to existing
initiatives and projects such as ‘equaliteach’ and Hate Incident Monitoring,
and the Safeguarding agenda (young people being particularly at risk). Will explained that referrals to PREVENT could be made via a
number of routes, including - ●Safeguarding Boards ●The National Counter Terrorism hotline ●Crimestoppers ●Police Force PREVENT Officers: Team leader
Bill Knopp – Esther
Scott – (0116 2486726) Pete Bumpus
– (0116 2486751) Gemma
Streather -
(0116 2486770) Will Baldet added that it was possible that an additional
post to support his work in Leicester and Leicestershire could be funded and
Jane Moore confirmed that an officer secondment was being considered. Will Baldet said that he would be pleased to attend
any CSP or District Council meetings to give the presentation and talk
about PREVENT’S work. NOTED: (a) That the role
of PREVENT would be included in Councillor Induction training after the
May elections; (b) That PREVENT
would come within the remit of the ASB Strategy Group, and ASB Strategy would be cited on the PREVENT Action Plan; (c) That a link to the presentation would be circulated to the Board. |
Safer Communities Performance - Quarter 2 PDF 22 KB James
Fox – Leicestershire County Council Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report from James Fox the purpose of
which was to update the Board regarding Safer Communities’ performance from 1
July to 30 September 2014. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. AGREED: (a) That the
2014/15 quarter 2 performance information be noted; (b) That the Board continues to monitor performance trends. |
Domestic Abuse Partnership update PDF 321 KB ●Partnership
work (pathways, DVPOs, Project 360, DASH ●Commissioning
Framework and approaches DCI
Jon Brown/James Fox Minutes: The Board considered a report from DCI Jon Brown on the work
of the Domestic Abuse Partnership, a copy of which is filed with these minutes.
The following information was highlighted: ●The next meetings of the City and County Domestic
Violence Delivery Groups would take place on the same day; the City Group would
meet in the morning and the County Group in the afternoon, with a joint meeting
of the two taking place in between. Aligned to this would be the Sexual
Violence Delivery Group which brought together a number of work streams. ●In 2014 Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary
(HMIC) carried out an inspection of all Forces’ practice with regards to Domestic
Abuse, and the results of this were being considered by the Home Secretary. ●Project 360, part funded by the Police and Crime
Commissioner, was in operation and was working well with hard to engage victims
of Domestic Violence. Due to the short time the trial had been running few
statistics were available but the information so far was positive. The Chairman
said that the Minister of State for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims Mike
Penning had recommended that an application was made to the Police Innovation
Fund for help with Project 360. ●A pilot scheme placing Independent Domestic Violence
Advisors (IDVA) in Accident and Emergency departments on Friday evenings had
resulted in several referrals which would not otherwise have been made. A
cost-benefit analysis would be carried out. ●Independent Sexual Violence
Advisors (ISVA) and IDVAs had been co-located within police buildings for 2
days a week which had improved information sharing and case management. ●The Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) was moving
to new premises which would provide a range of services including forensic,
therapeutic and a video link to the Courts, enabling victims to give evidence
from the premises. James Fox gave an update on Commissioning work which was
taking place. A consultation on changes to the specialist domestic violence and
sexual violence services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland was underway,
led by Leicester City Council: . This
included specific work with District Councils to ascertain what was needed in
each area. James thanked Districts for
their work on the risk assessments. James said that the commissioning would take some time, in
particular because of the procurement process; contract values totalled over
£800,000. There were arguments for
streamlining the services; making it easier for the service user to have a
single point of contact, but it also needed to be recognised that domestic
violence could cover everything from arguments to murder and all the issues
involved could not be addressed by a single agency. The idea was to build a
Leicester/Leicestershire/Rutland approach for those affected, increasing
resilience and flexibility of the service and enabling better identification of
repeat referrals - ie. where
these were made to different services, not meeting an individual service’s
threshold for serious concern. James undertook to confirm the funding situation (paragraph
22 of the report refers) for the remainder of 2015 and beyond
. James also undertook to provide Councillor Bokor with statistics on Domestic Violence for both County
and Districts. AGREED: (a) That the work of the Domestic Abuse Partnership be
noted; (b) That the key risks with regard to domestic abuse be noted. |
Domestic Homicide Reviews & joint-arrangements 2015/16 PDF 268 KB James
Fox – Leicestershire County Council Minutes: The Board considered a report from James Fox regarding the spend on Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs), the proposed
development of the process for carrying out DHRs, and the plan to disseminate
learning from current DHRs in Leicestershire.
A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. AGREED: (a) That the expenditure on DHRs be noted; (b) That £3000 be allocated to the learning event regarding a homicide in
2014 as recommended in paragraph 7 of the report; (c) The financial
contribution for DHRs for 2015-16 set out in paragraphs 11 to 13 of the report be agreed; (d) That a report on the revised DHR process be submitted to a future meeting. |
The Response to Child Sexual Exploitation in Leicestershire PDF 309 KB Victor
Cook – Leicestershire County Council Minutes: The Board considered a report from Victor Cook regarding
progress made in responding to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in
Leicestershire and action taken following the publication of the Independent
Inquiry into CSE in Rotherham (paragraph 2 of the report refers). A copy of the report is filed with these
minutes. Victor Cook said that no concerns had been identified
regarding children in Leicestershire being placed in Rotherham or children from
Rotherham being placed in Leicestershire. The local response to CSE was a County Council priority and
additional funding to support this had been included in the Council’s Medium
Term Financial Strategy. The Chairman commented on the excellent multi-agency work
which was taking place, in particular the joint Police-County operational team
which was now looking to include a City Council officer and representative from
the health service. NOTED: The actions taken to respond to cases of CSE in Leicestershire. |
Reducing Re-offending Board Update PDF 205 KB Grace Strong – Derbyshire Leicestershire Nottinghamshire & Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company Minutes: The Board considered a report from The Derbyshire,
Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland CRC regarding the work of the
Reducing Reoffending Board. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. Grace Strong explained how the Integrated Offender
Management Team had been remodelled, including a new focus on 16-24 year olds
who did not benefit from statutory support. It was hoped that YOS-Probation
transitions could be improved. A resources website for practitioners and young
people was being developed which aimed to cover all relevant services in the
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland area.
Closer links with the Supporting Leicestershire Families programme were
also sought. NOTED: The significant progress being made in the work overseen by the Reducing Reoffending Board. |
Transforming Rehabilitation update PDF 207 KB Grace
Strong – Derbyshire Leicestershire Nottinghamshire & Rutland Community
Rehabilitation Company Minutes: The Board considered a report from The Derbyshire,
Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland CRC on the structural changes which
had been made to the Probation Service as part of the Government’s
‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ Programme.
A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. The report was presented by Grace Strong and she highlighted
the following: ● The Reducing Reoffending Partnership (RRP) was the
new owner of the Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland
Community Rehabilitation Company and formal ownership would transfer on 1
February 2015. Further information would be provided after that date but so far
the reports were positive. ●The Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014 would come into
force on 1 February 2015. Adult offenders would be released from prison with a
minimum of one year supervision. ● From 1 May 2015 Community
Rehabilitation Companies would provide ‘through the gate’ resettlement
services. Offenders would be required to work on a Resettlement Plan 12 weeks
prior to release from custody NOTED: The changes that had occurred since the
last meeting. |
"Working Together" Presentation ACC
Phil Kay Minutes: The Board received a presentation from ACC Phil Kay which
set out the number and nature of incidents dealt with during a typical day and
highlighted the opportunities for organisations represented at the Board to
work together. The slides from the presentation can be viewed on at Members noted the opportunities for savings and more
coordinated and effective savings presented by joint working. Phil Kay drew the Board’s attention to the
fact that on an average day the Police dealt with more referrals of vulnerable
people than arrests, suggesting that they were often
involved unnecessarily. AGREED: That a further report be submitted to the next meeting of the Board. |
Other business ●Meeting at Warning Zone ●Neighbourhood watch Chair Minutes: (a) Warning Zone The Chairman referred to an invitation from the Chief
Executive, Vimme Rathour,
to hold a meeting at the Warning Zone premises.
The Board agreed that this could be declined but that Mr Rathour would be welcome to attend the next meeting and
perhaps could be asked to speak about the scheme. AGREED: That Mr Rathour be
invited to attend the next meeting of the Board. (b) Neighbourhood
Watch The Chairman said that the Chairman of the Leicestershire
Neighbourhood Watch Association, Eric Tindall, had been invited to
give a presentation on its work to the next Board meeting. (c) Councillor
David Snartt It was noted that Cllr. Snartt, having resigned from the
Cabinet at Charnwood Borough Council, would no longer be attending the Board on
its behalf. Members joined with the
Chairman in expressing their thanks for Cllr. Snartt’s
huge contribution to the Board’s work. AGREED: That the Chairman would send a letter of thanks to Cllr. Snartt on behalf of the Board. |
Date of the next meeting The
next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on Thursday 19 March at
10.00am. Minutes: The Board noted that the next meeting was due to take place on Thursday 19 March 2015 at 10:00 am at County Hall. |