Venue: Guthlaxton Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield. View directions
Contact: Mr. E. Walters (Tel. 0116 305 6016) Email.
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman. Minutes: It was proposed, seconded, and AGREED that Cllr Ould be elected Chairman of the Board for 2017/18. Cllr I Ould CC in the Chair |
Election of Vice-Chairman. Minutes: It was proposed, seconded, and AGREED that Mr T J Pendleton CC be elected Vice-Chairman of the Board for 2017/18. |
Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and all those present introduced themselves. |
Minutes of previous meeting. PDF 161 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2017 were taken as read and confirmed as a correct record. The Chairman confirmed that he would write to Mr J T Orson JP, CC on behalf of the Board to thank him for his dedication and hard work during his time as Chairman of the Board. |
Matters arising Minutes: There were none to note. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. No declarations were made. |
LSCSB End of Year: Safer Communities Performance 2016/17 Q4 PDF 130 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report from Rik Basra regarding Safer Communities’ Performance 2016/17, Quarter 4. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. The Board discussed the information presented in Appendix 1. It was felt that some performance indicators required greater clarity. It was explained that some data anomalies occurred due to differing data collation timelines and sources. Rik would look at the data again to try and establish the cause. A short discussion took place regarding trhe draft risk/harm model as a possible complimentary method of assessing performance. The PCC observed that it would be wise to view hard statistics with caution as not all crime related incidents are captured and recorded. RESOLVED a)
That the 2016/17 Q4 Performance information be
noted. b) That the risk/harm matrix be considered as a complimentary performance reporting regime to give direction regarding further development or discontinuance as a draft concept. |
LSCSB Update: Integrated Offender Management (IOM) PDF 329 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report from T/DI Deb Hubbard, IOM Inspector, Leicestershire Police. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. The Board were informed that upon release from prison offenders were assessed and managed according to risk of reoffending and impact on others in the community. Support was available to all offenders from the Offender Manager ensuring individual needs were addressed at the earliest opportunity to help prevent subjects re-entering the criminal justice system. RESOLVED That the contents of the report be noted. |
LSCSB Update: Youth Offending Service PDF 348 KB Minutes: The Board received a report from Carly Turner, Head of Leicestershire Youth Offending Service (Temporary). A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. The Board were grateful for the information provided and recognised the sustained reductions in youth reoffending rates and the importance of early intervention. Helene Sutliff, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service informed the Board regarding the assignment of a designated link worker to liaise with youths and staff in private residential care settings housing ‘high risk’ residents. The Board were made aware of the challenges surrounding children in care and the difficulties encountered trying to find suitable foster care in the right location for the children. The Board were informed of a Youth Offending Service Event designed to raise awareness of the work of the service scheduled for 14 June to be held in the Council Chambers, County Hall. RESOLVED That the Board noted the contents of the report in relation to the achievements and challenges of the YOS and the development work being undertaken with partners. |
LSCSB Update: DCLG Complex Need Refuge Service Provision PDF 205 KB Minutes: The Board received a report from Gurjit Samra-Rai, Community Safety Manager, Leicestershire County Council. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. The Board acknowledged the effects of domestic abuse/violence against women but recognised men could also become victims of abuse although the availability of suitable support was more limited. Gurjit confirmed the subject had been robustly discussed through the Domestic Violence Delivery Group. RESOLVED That the contents of the report be noted. |
LSCSB Update: Prevent PDF 210 KB Minutes: The Board received a further report from Gurjit Samra-Rai. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. The Board discussed the good work done by ‘Alter Ego’ within schools and communities across the County. It was recognised that their drama productions provided a good opportunity to open discussions between parents and children. Gurjit confirmed further sessions would be run in September/October 2017 and be held at Leicestershire County Council. Dates would be confirmed in due course. RESOLVED That the contents of the report be noted. |
Health and Wellbeing Community Safety Needs Assessment A verbal report will be provided
at the meeting by Mary Hall, Leicestershire County Council. Minutes: A verbal update was provided to the Board by Mary Hall, Leicestershire County Council. Mary informed the Board that data gathered through the Community Safety Needs Assessment would be presented at an event schedule for 14 September 2017. A draft report of the findings from the Assessment would be circulated to key partners in August. RESOLVED That the information now provided be noted. |
Minutes: The Board received a report by Simon Westwood, Independent Chair of the Leicestershire and Rutland LSCB and SAB. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes. The Board were informed that the aim going forward would be to ensure good working relationships with clear guidelines on strategic governance. A report was to be produced towards the end of June 2017 to consider areas of work and how it would be best managed. The Board discussed the abolition of LSCBs in their current form and considered what future safeguarding arrangements would be put in place. A consultation on new guidance would take place over the Autumn resulting in the final document being ready in January 2018 and rolled out in stages between the period April 2018 to March 2019. RESOLVED a)
That the priorities of the Leicestershire and
Rutland Safeguarding Adults and Children Boards be welcomed and supported; b) That the Board continue to develop closer working with the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults and Children Boards. |
Other business Minutes: There was no further business to note. |
Date of the next meeting The date of the next meeting
is 4 September 2017 at 10.00 am. Minutes: It was agreed that the next meeting of the Board would take place on 4 September 2017 at 10.00 am. |