Venue: Sparkenhoe Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield. View directions
Contact: Euan Walters (Tel. 0116 305 2583) Email.
No. | Item |
Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. |
Minutes of previous meeting. PDF 229 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2018 were taken as read and confirmed as a correct record. |
Matters arising Minutes: There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. No declarations were made. |
LSCSB Performance Update - Quarter 3. PDF 204 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of Rik Basra, Community Safety Co-ordinator at Leicestershire County Council, the purpose of which was to update the Board regarding Safer Communities Performance for Quarter 3 of 2018/19. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 5’, is filed with these minutes. Concerns were raised that whilst the number of burglary offences had stabilised, the nature of the burglaries was becoming more severe with a higher level of violence. Some victims were frightened to report crimes for fear of repercussions against them. The level of fear amongst the general public regarding burglaries was increasing and WhatsApp groups were playing a role in increasing public awareness of crimes that were being committed. In the past Leicestershire Police had not been involved with the WhatsApp groups but they intended to be more active on WhatsApp in future. It was suggested that Community Safety Partnerships should make Leicestershire Police aware of public concerns, such as those around aggravated burglary, so the Force could consider them as part of their monthly prioritisation meetings. RESOLVED: (a) That the 2018/19 Quarter 3 performance information be noted; (b) That continued development of the online portal and additional key performance indicators be approved. (c) That officers be requested to produce a report regarding aggravated burglaries for the next meeting of the Board. |
Office of Police and Crime Commissioner Update. Paul Hindson, Chief
Executive at the OPCC, will provide an oral update. Minutes: Paul Hindson, Chief Executive, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) gave an oral update on the work of the OPCC. The following areas of work were highlighted: · Progressing the Victim First service which was commissioned by the OPCC. Victim First staff were now located in police stations across the County to assist greater partnership working. · Tackling knife crime including creating a video to be shown in schools and holding a conference on knife crime. The OPCC had made £100,000 available for organisations to bid for to be used in connection with initiatives designed to tackle knife crime. There had been a large amount of applicants and funding had been granted to 10 good quality applicants. (It was also noted that the Home Office had allocated £100 million to police forces for tackling knife crime. As yet it was unclear whether Leicestershire Police would receive any of this funding.) · An event had been held which was designed to encourage employers to recruit offenders. Further work would be undertaken to link in with the National Probation Service and Community Rehabilitation Companies. · People Zones – an outline operating model had already been agreed and it was intended that in the near future a detailed operating model would be completed and details would then be provided to partners. Consideration was being given to how the Public Health Approach to tackling violence could be used in People Zones. The Home Office had indicated that they would be willing to provide some funding for People Zones. · A review of the Governance structure of the Strategic Partnership Board had been completed. An Information Sharing Agreement for partners had been created and required signing. The Strategic Partnership Board was also undertaking work related to the gypsy/traveller community and specifically in relation to school attendance, domestic violence and engagement with local communities. It was noted that the Multi-Agency Travellers Unit (MATU), funded by Community Safety Partnerships, was located at County Hall and assisted the public with traveller related issues. It was confirmed that the OPCC had linked in with MATU. · A workshop had been arranged in connection with mental health and conversations were taking place with Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust. · Taking part in consultations with the Ministry of Justice regarding the future of probation services and the next round of probation commissioning. · Work was underway regarding the introduction of Automatic Number Plate Recognition devices in rural areas to tackle rural crime. There would need to be a pilot of the scheme and Cllr. Pendleton suggested that North West Leicestershire district would be able to take part. Consideration was also being given to how to improve resilience in rural areas and how CCTV could be more integrated across the County. It was suggested that any proposals regarding CCTV could be brought to the Leicestershire Safer Communities Strategy Board for members to provide feedback. RESOLVED: That the contents of the oral update be noted. |
Domestic Abuse Redesign and Recommissioning Update. PDF 50 KB A presentation will be
provided by Gurjit Samra Rai (Community Safety
Manager). Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Gurjit Samra-Rai, Community Safety Team Manager, Leicestershire County Council regarding the proposed redesign and recommissioning of the Domestic Abuse service. A copy of the presentation slides is filed with these minutes. Members welcomed the design of the new service particularly the emphasis on integration and the move away from silo working. It was noted that the proposals were subject to public consultation beginning in May 2019. Gurjit Samra-Rai explained that it was proposed that the service move away from being predominantly city centre based, and once the consultation was completed consideration would be given to the new localities in which the service would run from. Thomas Day offered the services of Harborough District Council for scoping which localities could be used. Queries were raised as to how much the NHS would be involved going forward. Members were of the view that there should be more input from Public Health England and Clinical Commissioning Groups in particular. In response to a question from a member it was explained that the Hope Project, which provided safe accommodation to victims of domestic abuse and their children, was entirely separate to the Domestic Abuse service. However, some of the learning gained from administering the general Domestic Abuse service helped with submitting funding bids such as for the Hope Project. It was noted that the numbers of children and young people that were secondary victims of Domestic Abuse had increased by 30% and Chris Thomas, Head of Service- Early Help & Community Safety, Leicestershire County Council was developing a strategy for how the County Council would tackle this problem. It was also noted that a large proportion of the Domestic Abuse offences in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland were committed by a group of 358 offenders therefore these serial perpetrators needed to be focused on to manage their behaviour and prevent them reoffending. RESOLVED: That the contents of the presentation be noted. |
Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Manjeeta Sunnar, Head of Service, Victim First on the service provided by Victim First. A copy of the presentation slides is filed with these minutes. In response to a question from a member regarding how the numbers of people dealt with by Victim First were broken down across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland it was explained that the majority of cases were from the County area and very few were from Rutland. It was agreed that the Victim First quarterly report which provided further details would be circulated to members. Reassurance was given that Victim First had procedures in place for when staff encountered safeguarding issues relating to children and the appropriate referral would be made to the police, the County Council and/or Safeguarding Boards. Victim First would not close a case until the safeguarding issues had been dealt with. The PCC stated that he was extremely satisfied with the performance of Victim First so far and reported that Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice Edward Agar MP had been complementary about Victim First and was particularly pleased that Victim First staff were located within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner which enhanced partnership working. RESOLVED: That the contents of the presentation be noted. |
Supporting Leicestershire Families. PDF 197 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of Carly Turner, Service Manager, Supporting Leicestershire Families which provided an update on the work of the Troubled Families programme in Leicestershire. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 9’, is filed with these minutes. The Chairman clarified that whilst the Supporting Leicestershire Families programme had been particularly successful at helping families into employment, the success of the programme was measured on a whole range of factors as set out in the 10 point family star. It was noted that the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government James Brokenshire had committed to supporting Troubled Families schemes nationally, and he had congratulated the Supporting Leicestershire Families programme for its work and successful outcomes. Chris Traill indicated that Charnwood Borough Council would continue to provide accommodation for families being dealt with under the Supporting Leicestershire Families programme. RESOLVED: That the positive progress and impact of Supporting Leicestershire Families be noted.
Chris Thomas, Head of Service - Early Help, will provide an oral update. Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Chris Thomas, Head of Service – Early Help & Community Safety which provided an update on the review of Early Help Services. A copy of the presentation slides is filed with these minutes. As part of the presentation Chris Thomas explained that there would be five localities for the Early Help Services; Charnwood, Harborough, Melton, Blaby and Oadby and Wigston. Each team would have a manager that would engage with the local area. A key aspect of the service was the use of volunteers. Some service users preferred to be dealt with by volunteers as they were able to relate to them better given the life experiences the volunteers had gained. Members welcomed the proposals for the new Early Help service particularly the use of volunteers. RESOLVED: That the contents of the presentation be noted. |
CCTV Lamppost Testing. PDF 642 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of Rik Basra, Community Safety Coordinator, Leicestershire County Council regarding the deployment of mobile CCTV cameras and the certification process for affixing CCTV cameras to lighting columns. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 11’, is filed with these minutes. The Board welcomed Chris Waterfield, Team Manager Structures & Assets, Leicestershire County Council to the meeting for this item. In response to questions from members the following points were noted: (i) There was no fee for submitting an application for permanent or temporary attachments onto highway lighting columns. (ii) Once a lighting column had been tested and approved for attaching CCTV cameras it would be certified for up to 30 months before retesting had to be conducted, however that time period could be less depending on the condition of the column. (iii) The galvanised steel lighting columns were likely to be in better condition than the older concrete columns therefore it was advisable to use those for CCTV cameras. (iv) Chris Waterfield agreed to circulate a schedule of lighting column testing to partners to enable them to link in with the work that was already being carried out. Members raised concerns that partners were hampered in their attempts to respond quickly to emerging issues in their localities by installing CCTV cameras at short notice, because the application process took too long. RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted. |
Date of the next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on 14 June 2019 at 10:00am. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Board take place on 14 June 2019 at 10:00am. |