Venue: Framland Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield. View directions
Contact: Miss C Tuohy (0116 305 5483). Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2019 were taken as read, confirmed and signed. |
Chairman's Announcements. Minutes: Ms. D. Stobbs Following her
resignation as Substitute Employee Representative, the Chairman and all members
of the Board thanked Ms. D. Stobbs for her long-standing commitment and contribution
to the Leicestershire Pension Fund as an employee representative since the
Board’s inception in 2015. LGPS Central Conference Chairman’s Update The Chairman
informed the Board of the LGPS Governance Conference that she had attended
alongside other members of the Board and the Local Pension Committee. Members
were pleased to note that the Fund appeared to be performing well compared to
other LGPS funds and that national issues raised at the Conference such as
responsible investment, were already being progressed by the Fund. Employee
Representative Update Ms. D. Haller, who was also in attendance agreed that the
Leicestershire Pension Fund seemed to be doing particularly well in comparison
to other fund’s, especially in regard to its work regarding risk management,
though it was acknowledged the Fund still had further work to progress. |
Question Time. Minutes: The Chief Executive reported that no questions had been received under Standing Order 35. |
Urgent Items. Minutes: There were no items for consideration. |
Declarations of interest. Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare
any interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. Mr Shepherd CC declared a personal
interest in respect of item 8 (‘Risk Management and Internal Controls’, minute
49 refers) as a member of the Combined Fire Authority. |
Draft Responsible Investment Plan. PDF 488 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board
considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources on the Responsible
Investment (RI) Plan 2020 which set out the Fund’s approach to improving its
management of responsible investment risks. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda
Item 5’ is filed with these minutes. The Director of
Responsible Investment and Engagement at LGPS Central was also in attendance
and gave the Board a verbal update on LGPS Central’s work with the Fund. The Board was
informed that the term ‘responsible investment’ referred to the integration of
financially material environmental, social and corporate governance factors
into investment processes. The approach focused on engagement, rather than
exclusion. Whereas, ethical investment followed more moral lines which would
involve divestment from certain companies due to activities they were involved
with. It was noted that disinvestment
waived the ability of the fund to influence RI behaviour through
stewardship. Arising from the
discussion the following points were noted: - i) The Local Pension Committee had approved the
RI 2020 Plan at its meeting on 24 January 2020. The Committee would receive
reports and updates throughout the year on the Fund’s performance in regards to
RI to provide a wider oversight of the Fund’s activities. ii) Currently
less than half of LGPS funds had signed up to the UK Stewardship Code 2020.
Officers felt that the Leicestershire Pension Fund was broadly compliant, and
work was ongoing to ensure full compliance was met. As the Fund was relatively
small this would be progressed through working closely with LGPS Central and
their inhouse RI Team. iii) LGPS
Central had four key stewardship themes which each partner fund had agreed to;
Climate Change; Single-use plastics; Technology and Disruptive Industries; Tax
Transparency and fair tax payment. iv) LGPS
Central had a greater ability to hold the companies to account than the
Leicestershire Pension Fund as a single entity. Pooling of resource enabled
stronger engagement, which was further enhanced through LGPS Central’s use of
Hermes EOS, an active asset manager with a focus on positive engagement and
intervention in order to improve RI performance and sustainability. RESOLVED: That the Board note
the report. |
Administration Report - October to December 2019 Quarter. PDF 538 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a report from the Director of Corporate
Resources concerning administration of Fund benefits, including the performance
of the Pension Section against its performance indicators. Approval was also
sought for a revised Administration and Communications Policy. A copy of the
report marked ‘Agenda Item 6’ was filed with these minutes. Arising from the
discussion the following points were made: i)
McCloud and Sargeant cases related to the transition protection offered to some
members of the final salary schemes that had been ruled as unlawful
discrimination by the Court of Appeal. The implications of the cases on the
Fund, and the LGPS in general, were unknown. The Board would continue to
receive regular updates as part of the usual reporting process. ii)
amendment to the Administration and Communication strategy reflected the need
to extend the deadline for submitting IConnect data. The extension to the 31
March 2021 reflected the resource intensive nature of the work the Pensions
Section and each employer was required to undertake. For future transitions, the Pension’s Section would continue to
assist Fund employers for the first month but thereafter they would be expected
to independently complete the posting cycle. iii)
noted the introduction of a charge of £475 to cover ex-member requests to
determine any potential loss of benefits having transfered their pension to
another fund. The Director confirmed the charge was only to cover
administration costs and was in line with other funds. iv) Any outstanding admission agreements would
be backdated once the correct documentation from the employers had been
received. There had been no cases in Leicestershire where employees had been
worse off due to the delay. However, it was agreed it was still pertinent for
the Fund to resolve such issues as quickly as possible to reduce any potential
risk posed. v)
was raised regarding the two Beacon Academy cases with contractor’s Cleantec
and Mellors Catering that had both admission and bond agreements outstanding. The
cases had been ongoing since 1 September 2019 despite contact from the Pensions
Section regarding the delay. Members were pleased to note since the papers had
been circulated that NOVA to Aspens; and Wigston Queen Elizabeth and Regent
College to Caterlink had legal documents in place and were close to completion. RESOLVED: The Board agreed
that the; a)
and Communication Strategy be approved; b)
Manager be asked to write again to Beacon Academy, Cleantec and Mellors
Catering expressing the Board’s concern regarding the lack of Bond Agreement. |
Member Self Service. PDF 301 KB Minutes: The Board received a report from the Director of Corporate
informing the Board of improvements to the Fund’s Member Self Service following
previous training. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 7’ is filed with
these minutes. The Board noted that as part of the Pension Section review,
the Pensions Manager would be looking to put in place new key performance
indicators, including an indicator that could monitor membership of the member
self-service portal. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Risk Management and Internal Controls. PDF 297 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report from the Director of Corporate
Resources, the purpose of which was to detail any concerns relating to the risk
management and internal controls of the Fund. A copy of the report is filed
with these minutes, marked ‘Agenda Item 8’. The reference to Leicester City Council and De Montford
University in Risk 5 “Data not being uploaded in time to meet the Fund’s Statutory
Obligations” only posed a risk to those two employers, however members were
pleased to note progress being made . The Director reported that Risk 6, “Retaining the Administration of the
Firefighter Pension Scheme until December 2020” followed an agreement to extend
the administration of the fire schemes while the fire authorities underwent a
full procurement process for a replacement administrator. To mitigate the
impact on the Pension Section the Fund would receive additional payment from
the fire authorities, which would help fund four temporary posts in the
Pensions Section.. RESOLVED: That the Board note the revised risk register of the Pension
Fund. |
Pension Fund - Transfers Out. PDF 328 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Corporate
Resources informed the Board of the relevant issues relating to the
administering of pension transfers out requests. A copy of the report marked
‘Agenda Item 9’ is filed with these minutes. The Board noted that once a member had initially expressed
interest to the Pension Section to transfer to a non-public service scheme the
Fund would send a letter to the member detailing the benefit of the Local
Government Pension Scheme, as set out in the appendices of the report. The Fund
would not take any further action until the member contacted them to pursue the
matter. The Director informed the Board that on occations those
requesting a transfer complained with regards to the time taken for the section to conduct the
required due diligence to provide sufficient security for members, before a
transfer was completed. While there had been no reported cases of transfers to
pension scams from within the Leicestershire Pension Fund, there had been
instances amongst other funds . The expectations of some members for a fast
transfer process placed the Fund in a difficult position. Some authorities had
been criticised for not doing enough due diligence and making payment too
easily, while others had been ordered to compensate an individual due to too
excessive of checks, which took too long. The Board recognised the difficult situation, and noted that
there had been concerns with some
non-public pension service schemes despite them being approved by the Financial Conduct Authority.
It was agreed officers would look carefully at what wording could be
incorporated to documents such as the Stage 1 letter, and other correspondence
to be able to set out time scales, manage service expectations and advise of
the Fund’s position regarding its due diligence processes. RESOLVED: a)
the report be noted. b)
officers look at adding appropriate wording to the documents provided by the
Fund in regards to the process undertaken when a member requests to transfer
out their pension benift. . |
Good Governance in the LGPS. PDF 328 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report from the Director of Corporate
Resources to make them aware of the publication of the Good Governance in the
LGPS Phase Two report. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed
with these minutes. Arising from the report the main points were as follows: i)
Chris Tambini,
Director of Corporate Resources at Leicestershire County Council was the Fund’s
Local Government Pension Scheme senior officer. ii)
Fund was looking to develop a specific Conflict of Interest Policy, currently
the Board and Committee were following Leicestershire County Council’s Members
Code of Conduct. iii)
training policy had been agreed by the Local Pension Committee for the
Committee and Board on 27 November and would be progressed throughout the year. iv) The Pensions Manager was looking at a revised
structure for the Pensions Section which would look to address the
recommendations from the Phase Two report and any future guidance provided. The Board noted that a Phase 3 Good Governance report was
expected. Once published the Director would be able to update the Board on its
current progress and ongoing work it needed to undertake. RESOLVED: That the Board note the Good Governance in the LGPS Phase
Two report. |