Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Mrs A. Smith (0116 305 2583). Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Mrs R. Page CC be appointed Chairman on the Local
Pension Board up to the Pension Fund Annual General Meeting scheduled to be
held on 9 December 2024. Mrs. R. Page CC in the Chair |
Election of Vice Chairman. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Mr. M. Saroya be appointed
Vice Chairman on the Local Pension Board up to the Pension Fund Annual General
Meeting scheduled to be held on 9 December 2024. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2023 were
taken as read, confirmed and signed. |
Question Time. Minutes: The Chief Executive reported that no questions had been received under Standing Order 35. |
Urgent Items. Minutes: There were no items for consideration. |
Declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to declare any interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting. No declarations were made. |
Pension Fund Administration Report, October to December 2023 - Quarter Three. PDF 256 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Corporate
Resources the purpose of which was to inform the Board of the main administrative
actions in the third quarter period from October to December 2023. The report
also covered governance areas including administration of the Fund benefits and
the performance of the Pensions Section against its performance indicators. The
Board was recommended to raise any areas of concern to be reported to the Local
Pensions Committee. The report marked ‘Agenda Item 7’ is filed with these
minutes. Arising from discussion, the following points were made: i.
It was noted that under the purpose of the
report, it should be amended to read third quarter period. ii.
In response to a Member’s question, the Director
advised that the McCloud Remedy was the biggest cause for concern, resulting in
more manual work to resolve cases. There were further concerns that, although
upward tracking of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) was good, this was not at
the level needed. It was reported that there were other pressures of some
employers moving payrolls and additional personnel moved to assist. iii.
Members questioned if additional resources would
be required in the Pensions Section. The Director reported that when looking at
budget and resources in place, the Pensions Section was in as good a position
as it could be. Two apprentices would be starting for 2024/25 who would take on
the more basic administration work, which would alleviate some of the pressure.
There was temporary resource working on McCloud, with contracts having been
extended to March 2025. It was further reported that the statutory requirement
for year-end preparation and more pressing work would be tackled first. iv.
A Member questioned, with regards to retirement
benefit notifications, if the deterioration in the satisfaction rating was
because they were not being kept informed of delays with implementation of the
remedy. The Director reported that wider communications on McCloud had been
sent to all scheme members and not specifically to retirees. However, if there
were specific delays, people affected would be contacted on an individual
basis. RESOLVED: That the
report be noted. |
Net Zero Climate Strategy Progress Update. PDF 236 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report from the Director of Corporate
Resources which provided an update on the latest Climate Risk Management Report
for the Leicestershire County Council Pension Fund and activities of the Fund
since approval of the Net Zero Climate Strategy (NZCS). A copy of the report
marked ‘Agenda Item 8’ is filed with these minutes. Arising from the discussion, the following points were made: i.
A Member asked if the information on the Fund’s
positive steps taken to go carbon neutral could be circulated more widely. For
example, on the Pension Fund website, given the recent motions put by other
councils requesting the Fund invest in low carbon investments. The Director
reported that focus would be given to improving communications, including an
improved newsletter to scheme members which would set out in simple terms work
taking place towards delivery of the Fund’s NZCS targets. ii.
A Member suggested using a RAG (red, amber,
green) status with regards to investment in green initiatives, to show if
funding was on target, as this would be a simpler form of communicating
information to scheme members. The Director reported that the Fund was well
funded. Quarterly valuations of the total fund were reported to the Local
Pension Committee, and good progress was being made, along the weighted carbon
intensity reduction of 50%, but there was a fine line to tread between funding
level and the primary purpose of paying pensions. The Local Pension Committee
would receive a report at its December 2024 meeting, with a snapshot of the
Fund’s position taken to the Board thereafter. iii.
With reference to paragraph 22 of the report,
the Director explained that the Fund would measure alignment with targets going
forward, which would include how a company’s portfolio aligned to Net Zero and
how this was measured. Members noted,
however, that the metrics needed to be improved, as the understanding of Net
Zero and how companies achieving that progressed was limited as there was
currently no industry standard on how to do this. RESOLVED: That the Climate Risk Management Report for the
Leicestershire County Council Pension Fund and activities of the Fund since approval
of the Net Zero Climate Strategy be noted. |
Pension Fund - Business Plan and Budget 2024/25. PDF 189 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report from the Director of Corporate
Resources which provided information on the Pension Fund’s Administration and Investment
Business Plans and Pension Fund budget for 2024/25. A copy of the report marked
‘Agenda Item 9’ is filed with these minutes. Arising from the discussion, the following points were made: i.
Whilst the Fund did not hold reserves and no
capital expenditure was planned, a Member queried what would happen if
expenditure were required in future. The Director explained that the budget was
based on prudent assumptions, and reasonable provision was made if more
resources were needed, for example, as had been the case for the implementation
of the McCloud Remedy. In terms of investment, reasonable assumptions around
management costs were built into the budget. Members noted that it would not be
appropriate for the Fund to retain reserves and there was no need for capital
expenditure. ii.
A Member questioned why the actuarial costs for
2025/26 at £400,000 was so high. The Director explained that this was due to
the valuation period, where costs rose at the point of the actuarial valuation
due to further work and costs incurred. iii.
A Member queried, with the Government asking
funds to look at pooling to reduce costs, when those costs reductions would be
known. The Director reported that as Government policy became clearer and as
the consultation process on pooling continued, information would become
available on the impact on funds’ management costs. It was noted that the
budget was based on the current level of pooling and strategy. RESOLVED: That the report on the Pension Fund’s Administration and
Investment Business Plans and Pension Fund budget for 2024/25 be noted. |
Pension Fund Continuous Improvements Report. PDF 217 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report from the Director of Corporate
Resources which provided an update regarding progress in respect of areas of
identified improvement within the Pensions Section. A copy of the report marked
‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these minutes. Arising from the discussion, the following were made: i.
A Member recalled at the last Board meeting
concern had been expressed about Government directing LGPS funds on where they
should invest, and asked if officers had concerns. The
Director reported that the suggestion had arisen from the next steps of investment
consultation and was not a current requirement. It was noted that if brought in
by regulation or Government recommendation, it would require a plan on
investing 5% of assets in UK levelling up projects, and a previous report to
the Local Pension Committee showed the Fund had hit that requirement already. ii.
The Director reported that the Government wanted
by 2030 or after, larger pools of around £200billion. It was noted that
currently LGPS Central was in a good place with about £50billion in funds, and
would continue to grow with continued investment, noting that the smaller pools
across the LGPS would probably be picked up as a result. iii.
Members noted that the LGPS had submitted its
response to the consultation outlining concerns regarding complexity, the cost
of transitioning versus the costs of savings achieved. Currently the Fund was
pooled with low-cost passive funds, and it was not yet clear whether these
could be included in what constituted as pooled. iv.
A Member queried with regards to Additional
Voluntary Contribution (AVC) providers, if after the tenders had been evaluated
and a new provider selected, scheme members would be required to transfer to
the new provider. The Director reported that it would most likely result in an
additional provider, rather than members having to transfer across, though the
framework in terms of selection was still being put together. v.
In response to a Member question on pensioner
payroll, it was noted that this was still a separate function within the Payroll section. Though the duties of the Pension Team were
becoming more involved on the admin side because of automation, the BACS system
was run by Payroll. RESOLVED: a)
That the Pension Fund Continuous Improvements
Report be noted. b)
That the report on the Fund’s response to the
consultation on the Next Steps on Investment be circulated to Members. |
Pension Fund Training Needs Self Assessment. PDF 205 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report from
the Director of Corporate Resources which provided an update on Training Needs Self
Assessments undertaken by Members, identified training Members of the Local
Pension Board were expected to complete in order to demonstrate a suitable
level of knowledge and understanding, and set out options for the Committee to
consider as part of the planned review of the current Training Policy. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 11’
is filed with these minutes. Arising from the discussion, the
following points were made: i.
Members commented that
whilst knowledge was required and it was good practice to evidence this, the
previous method of training delivered after meetings was effective and
efficient. Some found the Hymans modules time consuming and difficult to
diaries due to other substantial commitments. Members further commented that new
Members joining the Board might find the training programme daunting, and
suggested that a simplified training schedule be developed which could be
completed over a four-year cycle. The Director noted that, whilst the Hymans
online training had been invested in, it was appreciated that people approached
learning in different ways. ii.
Members noted that a
collective training session on a Hyman’s module had been arranged to take place
online for Board and Committee Members following the meeting, following which
Members would be asked to provide feedback. The Director reported that a
training plan would be developed that combined different types of training that
worked for Members. iii.
A Member suggested
that the cycle of meetings for the Board be brought in line with the Council’s
Municipal Year, in order to avoid problems with a change in Chairman should the
Member fail to be a Member of the Board following re-election during an
election year, or following Annual Council. The Director undertook to look at
the logistics of the election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman following the
Annual General Meeting of the Pension Fund. RESOLVED: a)
That the report on the
Pension Fund Training Needs Self-Assessment be noted; b)
That all Members
should complete the training needs assessment if not yet completed by 14
February 2024. The link would be recirculated to Members; c)
That Members committed
to progressing completion of Hymans Aspire modules, and noted that a record
would be taken as at 31 March 2024 for the Fund’s Annual report; d)
That Members feedback
on the current approach to the Fund’s Training Policy be considered as part of
the review. e)
That the Director be
requested to consider re-aligning the cycle of Local Pension Board Meetings
with the Municipal Year of the County Council, giving consideration to the
election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. |
Pension Fund Policy Report. PDF 137 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report from
the Director of Corporate Resources which provided the annual update of the
Pension Fund’s current strategies and policies, covering any new policies that
had been introduced or amendments that had been made. A copy of the report
marked ‘Agenda Item 12’ is filed with these minutes. Arising from the discussion, the
following points were made: i. A Member referenced a previous report on the agenda, with regards to the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) statement on surpluses and tailored employer investment strategies, which the Member considered to be a risk. The Director reported it was generally seen as a way of employers trying to take advantage of the strong funding position some were currently in and influencing investment and funding strategies. ii. Members noted officers’ concerns regarding the suggestion of individual strategies which would significantly increase administration and costs to the Administering Authority, and potential impact on other employers. It was noted that this was not something the Administering Authority would be in favour of. In response to questions raised, Members noted that the Administering Authority had not been approached by any employers to tailor approaches. Members added their concerns and echoed officers views, confirming that it would not advocate tailored investment strategies. RESOLVED: a)
That the annual update
of the Pension Fund’s current strategies and policies, covering any new
policies that had been introduced or amendments that had been made, be noted. b) That the comments now made by the Board be forwarded to the Local Pension Committee for consideration at its meeting on 8 March 2024. |
Risk Management and Internal Controls. PDF 154 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Corporate
Resources which provided information on any changes relating to the risk
management and internal controls of the Pension Fund, as stipulated in the
Pension Regulator’s Code of Practice. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item
13’ is filed with these minutes. Members noted Risk 11 ‘Investment decisions are made without
having sufficient expertise to properly assess the risks and potential returns’
and remarked that this was more geared towards the Local Pension Committee, as
the Local Pension Board did not make investment decisions, and should be so
reflected in the risk register. RESOLVED: That the report on Risk Management and Internal Controls be
noted. |
Date of next meeting. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place on
17 April 2024, at 10.00am. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the next meeting be held on 17 April 2024, at 10.00am. |