Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Mo Seedat - Tel: 0116 305 6037 Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcements. Minutes: Tunisian Attack Members joined the Chairman in conveying condolences to the family of Roy and Angela Fisher of Western Park, Leicester, and all other families who had tragically lost loved ones in the attack in Sousse, Tunisia. The County Council, along with the rest of the country, had observed a minute’s silence on Friday, 3 July, in tribute to all those who had lost their lives. The County
Council’s links with HM Armed Forces The Chairman was pleased to report that he had been able to accept a number of invitations on behalf of the County Council to events which sought to maintain and develop the County Council’s strong relationship with Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. Within the County they had included:
These events demonstrated the importance that the Armed Forces place on civic and community engagement. As co-host of the Armed Forces Day Service and Parade held in Leicester the previous Saturday, the Chairman had been pleased to be able to reciprocate these invitations. The service and parade this year was the largest to date with representatives of the Armed Forces, veterans and cadets numbering 600. The parade through the City had been a true spectacle. This had been a chance to show appreciation for the special service the Armed Forces gave to the country and, with thousands of people lining the parade route, the demonstration of public support had been tremendous. Children in Care The Chairman reported that Mr Ould had asked him to mention a wonderful opportunity which had been afforded to two young people who were members of the Children in Care Council which the County Council ran. Luke and Nishat were two of ten young people across the UK
who had been invited to London to discuss their own experiences of being in
care with the Children’s Commissioner and MPs and they would also be meeting
the Secretary of State for Education.
The Chairman, Mr Ould and members agreed this was a deserved reward for the way in which young people in care organised themselves so they could influence national as well as local policy making. Battle of Bosworth
Anniversary re-enactment The Chairman reminded members that each year the County Council staged a special weekend of re-enactment at Bosworth Battlefield. With the return to Bosworth of the mortal remains of King Richard III in March ahead of his reinterment in Leicester Cathedral still fresh in the memory, it was anticipated that there would be a high level of interest from the public. This year the re-enactment weekend coincided exactly with the anniversary of the battle held on 22nd August, and so this year the event would incorporate the traditional Laying of the Roses ceremony, which the Chairman said he would be delighted to host. Members were encouraged to purchase tickets for this exciting family friendly event arranged and hosted by the dedicated team at the Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre and Country Park. Visitors The Chairman welcomed to the meeting all visitors and guests of members and anyone who was viewing the meeting via the webcast. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by the Chairman, seconded by Mr Liquorish and carried:- “That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 20 May 2015, copies of which have been circulated to members, be taken as read, confirmed and signed.” |
Declarations of Interest. Minutes: The Chairman invited
members who wished to do so to make declarations of interest in respect of
items on the agenda for the meeting. All members declared
a personal interested in the report of the Constitution Committee concerning
the Electoral Review. Dr Eynon declared a
personal interest in the question she had asked of the Leader under item 4, as
she was a salaried GP. |
Questions asked under Standing Order 7(1)(2) and (5). Minutes: (A) Mr Bray asked the following question of the
Leader or his nominee:- “Could the Leader please tell me if the County Council are
exploring or advocating any changes to waste collection arrangements? If so could you outline what these changes
are?” Mr Pain replied as follows:- “Waste collection is
the responsibility of District Councils and each authority makes its own
decisions in relation to the waste collection services it provides. The Leicestershire
Waste Partnership, which consists of the 7 District Councils as well as the
County Council, is working with consultants to explore the options for
providing a county-wide food waste collection service to achieve both improved
performance and realise budgetary savings.
A number of high level options have been modelled by the consultants but
there is no commitment by any of the partner authorities to implement the
modelled options at this time. It will
remain a concern if the district councils are not able to realise savings
opportunities which are clearly available from waste collection.” Mr Bray asked the following supplementary question:- “Thank you for the response to question one. In the second paragraph, is one of the options being considered a move to three weekly collection?” Mr Pain replied as follows:- “I couldn’t possibly answer as we are not responsible for collection of waste at the County Council.” (B) Mr Bray asked the following question of the
Leader or his nominee:- “The Hinckley Times
(25th June) reported that the County Council is proposing to sell
off £28 million of its land and property assets as part of the Corporate Asset
Management Plan. Could the Leader
confirm if any of these assets are in Hinckley and Bosworth, and if so could he
provide me with a list of what they are?” Mr Pain replied as follows:- “It would be a pity
if Mr Bray relied on the local newspaper for his understanding of the County
Council’s intentions when he had the opportunity to read the wealth of
information contained within the 50 plus pages of the Plan and accompanying
documents which went through Scrutiny and Cabinet last month. Any disposals will be progressed through the
Council’s approval processes. Sites can
be commercially sensitive but members will be advised if a proposal is likely
to affect their division.” Mr Bray asked the following supplementary question:- “Can the Lead Member point out to me which page actually lists the assets and if it isn’t in the document, could he supply me with one?” Mr Pain replied as follows:- “As stated in the response, the Corporate Asset Management
Plan consists of over 50 pages of information and the proposals are split under
the relevant departments of the authority.
I am sure there will be certain assets that pertain to the Hinckley and
Bosworth area, and so under the sensitive issues procedure we will notify the
relevant members accordingly as and when decisions are taken to dispose of
relevant assets.” (C) Mr Bray asked the following question of the
Leader or his nominee:- “In the past I have
raised concerns about the need for a pedestrian crossing in Mount Road near to
Hurst Road, this will be needed more than ever with the imminent opening of a
new leisure centre in the town centre.
Would the Leader please ask officers to once again consider this
request?” Mr Osborne replied as follows:- “Members will be aware that the Hinckley area was identified as a focus for investment with a view to stimulating economic growth, minimising congestion and reducing carbon emissions. A four phase programme of work in the Hinckley area (the ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Position Statements under Standing Order 8. PDF 215 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader presented a position statement on the following matters:- · Combined Authority; · Leicester and Leicestershire Economic Partnership; · Midland Mainline Electrifrication; · Great Central Railway; · Police and Crime Commissioner; · Local Government Association Conference. The Lead Member for Environment and Transport presented a position statement on the following matters:- · North West Leicester Transport Project; · A511 Growth Corridor. A copy of the position statements is filed with these minutes. |
Report of the Cabinet. |
Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2015-16. PDF 112 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Mr Orson, seconded by Mr Ould, and carried:- “That the Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2015/16, attached as Appendix 2 to this report, be approved.” |
Report of the Scrutiny Commission. |
Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2014-15. PDF 85 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Mr Galton, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:- “That the information contained in the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2014/15, attached as Appendix 1 to this report, on its activities, be noted.” |
Joint Report of the Employment Committee and Constitution Committee. |
Proposed Amendment to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules. PDF 193 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Mr Rhodes, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:- “That the revised Officer Employment Procedure Rules attached as Appendix 1 to this report, be approved.” |
Report of the Constitution Committee. |
Review and Revision of the Constitution. PDF 176 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Mr
Rushton, seconded by Mr Rhodes and carried:- “Motion 1 (a) That
the proposed changes to the Constitution, as set out in Appendix 1 to this
report, other than those which relate to Standing Orders (the Meeting Procedure
Rules), be approved; Motion 2 –
Procedural Motion in accordance with Standing Order 37 (b) That
the changes to Standing Orders (The Meeting Procedure Rules), as set out in
Appendix 1 to the report of the Constitution Committee, be approved.” (NOTE Standing Order
37 requires that this procedural motion, having been moved and seconded, stands
adjourned until the next ordinary meeting of the Council.) |
Electoral Review of Leicestershire County Council. PDF 303 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Dr Feltham and seconded by Mr Hart:- “That the proposed County Council submission on new electoral divisions be approved.” The motion was put and carried, 36 members voting for the motion and 2 members voting against. |
To consider the following notice/s of motion: |
Midland Mainline - Mr. Max Hunt CC
(a) Notes with deep concern the Secretary of State for Transport’s statement to the House of Commons on 25 June when he announced that the electrification of the Midland Mainline between Bedford and Sheffield project be ‘paused’; (b) Expresses disappointment that any delay will undoubtedly affect the local economy across Leicestershire; (c) Is pleased that the Secretary of State confirmed that Network Rail’s project to straighten the line and improve disabled access at Market Harborough station is not affected and will go ahead and therefore asks the Department for Transport for confirmation that the project is fully funded and will therefore progress without any delay; (d) Asks the Secretary of State to begin an urgent review of Network Rail’s planning of the Midland Mainline electrification project so it can be quickly resumed to meet the original 2020 completion date.
Minutes: It was moved by Mr
Hunt, and seconded by Dr Feltham, and carried unanimously:- “1. That this Council:- (a) Notes with
deep concern the Secretary of State for Transport’s statement to the House of
Commons on 25 June when he announced that the electrification of the Midland
Mainline between Bedford and Sheffield project be ‘paused’; (b) Expresses
disappointment that any delay will undoubtedly affect the local economy across
Leicestershire; (c) Is
pleased that the Secretary of State confirmed that Network Rail’s project to straighten
the line and improve disabled access at Market Harborough station is not
affected and will go ahead and therefore asks the Department for Transport for
confirmation that the project is fully funded and will therefore progress
without any delay; (d) Asks
the Secretary of State to begin an urgent review of Network Rail’s planning of
the Midland Mainline electrification project so it can be quickly resumed to
meet the original 2020 completion date. 2. This
Council therefore resolves to work with other East Midlands transport
authorities, members of parliament and council leaders representing communities
across Leicester and Leicestershire to campaign for the reinstatement of the
Midland Mainline electrification project.” |
Grass Cutting - Mr. S. L. Bray CC This Council notes the increasing amount of public concern over the poor state of grass verges across the County and therefore calls on Cabinet to review the decision to reduce the frequency of the grass cutting service. Minutes: It was moved by Mr Bray, and seconded by Mr Lynch:- “This Council notes the increasing amount of public concern over the poor state of grass verges across the County and therefore calls on the Cabinet to review the decision to reduce the frequency of the grass cutting service.” On the motion being put and before the vote was taken, five members rose asking that a named vote be recorded. The vote was recorded as follows:- For the motion Mr Boulter, Mr Bray, Mr Charlesworth, Dr Eynon, Mrs Fox, Mr Galton, Mr Gamble, Dr Hill, Mr Hunt, Mr Kaufman, Mrs Loydall, Mr Lynch, Mr Miah, Mr Mullaney, Ms Newton, Mr Sharp, Mr Spence, Mr Sprason, Mr Welsh, Mr Wyatt, Mr Yates. Against the motion Mr Bentley, Mr Blunt, Mrs Camamile, Mr Coxon, Mrs Dickinson, Dr Feltham, Mr Hampson, Mr Hart, Mr Houseman, Mr Jennings, Mr Lewis, Mr Liquorish, Mr Osborne, Mr O’Shea, Mr Ould, Mrs Page, Mr Pain, Mr Pearson, Mr Pendleton, Mrs Posnett, Mrs Radford, Mr Rhodes, Mrs Richards, Mr Richardson, Mr Rushton, Mr Shepherd, Mr Snartt, Mr White. The motion was put and not carried, 21 members voting for the motion and 28 against. |