Agenda and minutes

(Annual Meeting), County Council - Wednesday, 17 May 2017 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Mo Seedat - Tel: 0116 305 6037  Email:

No. Item



To elect a Chairman.


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Galton and carried:-


“That MRS JANICE RICHARDS be elected Chairman for the period until the next Annual Meeting of the Council.”


Mrs Richards read out and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed and signed by the Chief Executive.


Mrs Richards took the Chair and thanked her proposer and seconder and members of the Council for electing her.


The Chairman thanked Mr Liquorish for his services to the County during his period of office as Chairman and Mrs Can for her services as his consort.  Mr Rushton, Mr Galton and Dr Eynon each joined the Chairman in associating their Groups with the thanks to Mr Liquorish and Mrs Can.  Mr Liquorish thanked members for their generous remarks.



To elect a Vice-Chairman.


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Galton and carried:-


“That MR OZZY O’SHEA be appointed Vice-Chairman for the period until the next Annual Meeting of the Council.”


Mr O’Shea read out and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed and signed by the Chief Executive.


Mr O’Shea thanked his proposer and seconder for their generous remarks and members of the Council for appointing him as Vice-Chairman.



Chairman's Announcements.


Mr Peter Knight


The Chairman reported that Mr Peter Knight had died on 30 March aged 88.  He had served on the County Council representing the Lutterworth electoral division from 1981 – 1985 and again from 1993 – 1997.  Mr Knight had been a Spokesman on the Arts, Libraries and Museums Committee.  He had also served on the Environment Committee and its subcommittee for Agriculture and Environmental Protection as well being a member of the Social Services Committee.  The Chairman invited Members to join her in silent tribute to Mr Knight.


Welcome to new Members of the County Council


The Chairman congratulated all Members on their election, or re-election, to the County Council and offered a warm welcome to new County Councillors who were attending their first meeting of the County Council.




The Chairman invited all Members and Chief Officers to join her for light refreshments in the Members Lounge, immediately following the meeting.


Armed Forces Day


As a prelude to Armed Forces Day, the Chairman was pleased to inform Members that she would be hosting a Flag-Raising ceremony at the Stand Easy Memorial on Monday, 19 June, at 10.30 a.m.  All Members had been invited to attend.


The Chairman reminded Members that they had been invited to a special service and parade to be held on Saturday, 24 June at Leicester Cathedral to mark Armed Forces Day.  The service would be held jointly with the Lord Mayor of Leicester and the Lord-Lieutenant and would be followed by a parade of Standards, service personnel, veterans and cadets through the streets of Leicester, behind the pipes and drums of the Seaforth Highlanders.  All members were encouraged to attend.


Chairman’s Reception – Beaumanor Hall


The Chairman was pleased to inform Members that she would be holding a Reception at Beaumanor Hall on Thursday, 27 July at 6.30 p.m.  All Members of the County Council would be receiving invitations in due course.


The Centenary of the Battle of Passchendaele


The Chairman asked Members to note that they would receive an invitation a special service at Leicester Cathedral on Monday, 31 July which would mark the start of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele, in which over 1,300 men from Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland lost their lives.  The Service would be held jointly with the Lord-Lieutenant and the Lord Mayor and the Chairman encouraged all Members to attend.


County Service


The Chairman asked Members to note that the County Service this year would be held at Leicester Cathedral on Sunday, 1 October at 3 p.m.  The Service would be followed by refreshments.  Invitations would be issued to all Members in due course and she hoped that Members would support the annual service.




The Chairman welcomed to the meeting all visitors and guests of Members and anyone who was viewing the meeting via the webcast.



To receive the report of the Returning Officer. pdf icon PDF 203 KB


The Chief Executive presented the report of the Returning Officer on the persons duly elected to the County Council at the elections which had been held on 4 May 2017.


The Chairman congratulated all Members on their election and in particular extended a welcome to new Members.



Minutes. pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman and carried:-


“That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 22 March 2017, copies of which have been circulated to members, be taken as read, confirmed and signed.”




Declarations of interest.


The Chairman invited members who wished to do so to make declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda for the meeting.


No such declarations were made.



Questions asked under Standing Order 7(1)(2) and (5).


(A)     Mr Hunt asked the following question of the Leader or his nominee:-


“1.      Will the Leader indicate whether the County Council welcomes the Government's Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy published on 21st April 2017 following extensive consultation?


2.       Would you agree that Local Cycling and Walking Investment Plans fit in with Strategic Priorities in our Environment & Transport Interim Commissioning Strategic Delivery Plan 2017/18?


3.       How does the County Council, working with the LLEP, intend to respond to the Strategy?”


Mr Pain replied as follows:-


“1.      Leicestershire County Council fully supports the Government’s ambition to increase levels of cycling and walking in England, recognising the significant economic, health and environmental benefits that this will bring at the local level. The approach and actions are to be welcomed in particular the commitments to the Access Fund, Bikeability funding and support for Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs).


2.       The principles of the Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are already embedded in the County Councils infrastructure planning and delivery. The area based approach developed by Local Transport Plan 3 places the County Council in a good position to respond to the LCWIP’s. The work undertaken developing and securing the Local Sustainable Transport Fund and Access Fund has enabled LCWIP’s to be delivered on the ground in Loughborough, Hinckley and Coalville and the corridors into Leicester. Moving forward opportunities will be developed as part of Single Local Growth Fund and National Productivity Investment Fund bids, targeting delivery in other parts of the County.


3.       The County Council will be submitting an Expression of Interest form to the Department for Transport in order to secure 60 days technical support for the development of LCWIP’s. If successful this would enable us to have plans in place which will put the County Council in an excellent position to secure future external funding for walking and cycling infrastructure requirements, supporting the needs of local businesses and residents.”


Mr Hunt asked the following supplementary question:-


“Could I first of all congratulate and welcome the new Environment and Transport Spokesperson on the Cabinet and ask under item 3 whether the expression of interest which the County Council will be submitting to the Department of Transport in order to secure the technical support will be a joint one with the City Council or will we be out on our own with this which has particular advantages for the County Council?”


Mr Pain replied as follows:-


“Just to answer the question directly – I don’t know.  I understand that we will be submitting an expression of interest but I will get some clarity on that and will write back to you.”


(B)     Mr Hunt asked the following question of the Leader or his nominee:-


“In a previous era the County Council led several initiatives to increase trade and investment with business in the County.  Could the Leader advise me:-


1.       What happened to the Leicestershire India Trade Bureau?


2.       Is the East Midlands China Trade Bureau still actively engaged in the County?


3.       When did the County last welcome trade missions from Sichuan and are any such visits with our Chinese or Indian partners to be planned in the foreseeable future?


4.       Is the LLEP developing any plans to respond to a decline in trade between Leicestershire businesses and the EU occasioned by our leaving the Single Market and Customs Union?


5.       What steps are the County Council and the LLEP considering to replace the EU European Structural and Investment Funds as a source of investment?”


Mr Rushton replied as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Position statements under Standing Order 8. pdf icon PDF 237 KB


The Leader presented a position statement on the following matters:-


·       Elections;

·       Honorary Aldermen;

·       New Council;

·       Meeting with Regional Leaders;

·       General Election;

·       Her Majesty The Queen’s visit to Leicester.


A copy of the position statement is filed with these minutes.



Report of the Cabinet.


Dates of Council Meetings 2017-19. pdf icon PDF 273 KB


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:-


‘That Standing Order 1 (5) be amended to read as follows:-


SO1(5).   Unless the Council otherwise determines, all meetings of the Council shall be held at 2.00 p.m. other than a meeting on a Saturday which shall be held at 10.00 a.m. provided that the time may be varied by the Chairman following consultation with the Group Leaders.” ’



To make the following appointments in accordance with items 11 and 12 of Standing Order 4:-


To appoint the Leader (and to note the members which the Leader proposes to appoint to the Cabinet); pdf icon PDF 6 KB


Motion 1


It was moved by Mr Rhodes, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:-


“That Mr N J Rushton be appointed Leader of the Council for the period until the next Annual Meeting of the Council.”


Motion 2


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:-


"That it be noted that the Leader proposes to appoint the members named on list '1' attached to the Order Paper as members of the Cabinet."


A copy of List ‘1’ is attached.



To appoint such Cabinet Support Members as the Council considers appropriate;


It was moved by Mr Rushton, seconded by Mr Shepherd and carried:-

"That the following members be appointed as Cabinet Support Members until the next Annual Meeting of the County Council, as provided for in Article 7 of the Council's Constitution:-


          Dr R K A Feltham

          Mr T J Pendleton

          Mrs C M Radford"



To appoint members of the Scrutiny Commission, Board and Committees; pdf icon PDF 285 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by Mr Shepherd, seconded by Mr Charlesworth and carried:-


"That the membership of the Scrutiny Commission, Boards and Committees as set out in List '2' attached to the Order Paper be approved."


 (i)      SPOKESMEN




Mr Shepherd named the members shown in the second and third columns of list ‘S’, as Conservative Commissioners of the Scrutiny Commission as shown.


Mr Charlesworth named the member shown in the fourth column of list ‘S’, as Liberal Democrat Commissioner of the Scrutiny Commission as shown.


Mr Hunt named the member shown in the fifth column of list ‘S’, as Labour Commissioner of the Scrutiny Commission as shown.


Scrutiny Committees and Development Control and Regulatory Board


Mr Shepherd named the members shown in the second and third columns of list ‘S’, as Conservative Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Scrutiny Committees and the Development Control and Regulatory Board as shown.


Mr Charlesworth named the members shown in the fourth column of list ‘S’, as Liberal Democrat Spokesmen of the Scrutiny Committees and the Development Control and Regulatory Board as shown.


Mr Hunt named the members shown in the fifth column of list ‘S’, as Labour Spokespersons of the Scrutiny Committees and the Development Control and Regulatory Board as shown.


Other Regulatory Bodies


Mr Shepherd named the members shown in the second column of list ‘S’, as Conservative Spokesmen of the bodies as shown.


Mr Charlesworth named the members shown in the third column of list ‘S’, as Liberal Democrat Spokesmen of the bodies as shown.


Mr Hunt named the members shown in the fourth column of list ‘S’, as Labour Spokespersons of the bodies as shown.


A copy of list ‘S’ is attached to these minutes.




It was moved by Mr Shepherd, seconded by Mr Charlesworth and carried:-


"That the Chief Executive be authorised to make and terminate appointments to the Commission, committees, boards and other County Council bodies (not including the Cabinet) in accordance with the wishes of the political groups to whom the seat in question has been allocated, subject in the case of those bodies set out in list 'B' to the Group giving one day's notice to the Chief Executive of its wishes."



To appoint church representatives to serve on the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Report of the Chief Executive. pdf icon PDF 178 KB


It was moved by Mr Shepherd, seconded by Mr Charlesworth and carried:-


“That Canon Carolyn Lewis be appointed as Church of England representative and Mr Gerard Hirst be appointed as the Roman Catholic Church representative on the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee (or other appropriate scrutiny committee dealing with Education) for the period ending with the County Council elections in 2021).”